Math 621 - Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Spring 2015 - Matthias K. Gobbert
Presentations of the Class Projects
Tuesday, May 19, 2015, 01:00 p.m., SOND 109
Efficient Simulation of the beta-alpha-delta (BAD) Model of
Interactions in the Pancreatic Islet
Sarah Swatski, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
In 2012, 29.1 million Americans suffered from diabetes, a
disease in which high blood glucose levels persist in the blood
stream. The BAD model is a system of ODEs which represent the
interactions between the beta, alpha and delta cells, found in the
pancreas in clusters of cells called islets of Langerhans, which
together control blood glucose levels. I implement this model in
Matlab and compare the performance of the ODE solver after
modifications are made. I recommend that a memory modified stiff
ODE solver be used to most efficiently solve the problem.
Implementation of the SDIRK Method for the Solution of the ODE
System within a Method of Lines using Finite Element Discretization
for Parabolic PDE
Jonathan Graf, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
The method of lines using finite elements results in a system of
ODEs. In class, we examined the use of Matlab's ODE solvers for the
solution of this system with particualr focus on ode15s. I will
discuss the differences between an explicit RK method like ode45 and
implicit RK method with a thorough discussion of the singly
diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta (SDIRK) method. Convergence tables
will be presented for linear and non-linear test problems.
Numerical Methods for the Navier-Stokes Equations in 2D with Periodic
Boundary Conditions
Joshua Hudson, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
The purpose of this project was to investigate the inherent
difficulties in computing approximate solutions to the Navier-Stokes
equations (NSE), by examining some approaches to computing
approximate solutions based on a method of lines algorithm. In
addition, other possible algorithms will be discussed which could not
be implemented at the time. The complications imposed by the
nonlinear term in the NSE was the main difficulty in the design and
implementation of the algorithms studied. To simplify things, the
equations were considered in the 2D setting with periodic boundary
conditions, and with no forcing term. All computations were done in
Matlab to allow for quick implementation of the algorithms, use of
the differential equation software packages readily available, and
the convenient plotting software.
Finite Element Convergence Studies Using COMSOL 5.1
Kourosh M. Kalayeh, Department of Mechanical Engineering
The finite element method (FEM) is a well known numerical method for
solving partial differential equations (PDEs). All numerical methods
inherently have error in comparison to true solution of the PDE. Based
on FEM theory, the appropriate norm of this error is bounded and
it can be estimated by the mesh size. One standard method to get an
idea about the sensibility of the numerical solution is to do
convergence studies on the method. More precisely, compare the
results obtained from two consecutive mesh refinements. This
comparison, then can be quantified using theory of FEM by obtaining
the convergence order. In this work we carry out convergence studies
for time-dependent parabolic test problem (heat transfer equation)
and investigate the effect of ODE solver on the behavior of the
convergence of the method using commercial FEM software COMSOL 5.1.
Finite Element Convergence Studies on Elliptic and Parabolic PDEs in
MATLAB 8.5.0
Preston Donovan, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
The finite element method (FEM) is one of the most widely used
numerical methods for solving PDEs. The Partial Differential Equation (PDE)
toolbox in MATLAB 8.5.0, which uses the FEM, is applied to several elliptic
and parabolic PDEs in 2D and 3D. The accuracy of the solutions is measured
via qualitative and quantitative comparisons with the true solutions.
Quantitative comparisons involve computing the norm of the error on
progressively finer meshes and ensuring that the convergence order is
consistent with FEM theory. We outline the process of performing a
convergence study in MATLAB via the graphical user interface and the command
line. Each of these processes presents its own challenges, which we explain
and attempt to resolve.
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This page version 1.0, May 2015.