Math 430 - Matrix Analysis

Spring 2025 - Matthias K. Gobbert

Detailed Schedule - Last Updated 01/28/2025

This schedule is designed to give you an overview of the material to be covered and is tentative in nature. This is a living document and may be updated throughout the semester.
The section numbers refer to the required textbook Carl D. Meyer, Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra, 2nd edition, SIAM, 2023.
The numbers HW0, HW1.1, HW1.2, etc. in the Notes column indicate homeworks "HW" due as PDF upload to Blackboard on that day.
The numbers GQ0a, GQ1a, GQ2a, etc. in the Main Topic column indicate in-class group quizzes "GQ" during that class.
These numbers in the detailed schedule are designed to show the teaching philosophy and learning techniques associated with each class meeting.
See the Assignments area of the Blackboard site for our course for the precise due dates and times.
Class Date Main Topic Notes
1 Tu 01/28 1.1 Introduction, 1.2 The Language, Overview, GQ0a Pre-assess., HW0
2 Th 01/30 1.3 Elementary Geometry and 1.4 Euclidean Norm and Inner Product HW1.2, HW1.3
3 Tu 02/04 1.4 Euclidean Norm and Inner Product, 1.5 Non-Euclidean Norms HW1.4, HW1.5
4 Th 02/06 1.6 Orthogonality HW1.6
5 Tu 02/11 1.7 Linearity and Matrix Multiplication HW1.7
6 Th 02/13 1.8 Elementary Properties of Matrix Multiplication HW1.8
7 Tu 02/18 1.9 Matrix Inner Product and Norms HW1.9
8 Th 02/20 Test 1: Chapter 1 The Language of Linear Algebra
9 Tu 02/25 2.2 Elementary Matrices and Echelon Forms HW2.1, HW2.2
10 Th 02/27 2.3 Nonsingular Matrices and Inverses HW2.3
11 Tu 03/04 2.4 Rank of a Matrix HW2.4
12 Th 03/06 2.5 General Linear Systems HW2.5
13 Tu 03/11 2.8 Making Gaussian Elimination Work, 2.10 Triangular Factorizations HW2.8, HW2.10
14 Th 03/13 Test 2: Chapter 2 Systems, Elimination, and Echelon Forms
Tu 03/18 Spring Break
Th 03/20 Spring Break
15 Tu 03/25 3.1 Introduction to Eigensystems HW3.1
16 Th 03/27 3.2 Similarity and Diagonalization HW3.2
17 Tu 04/01 3.3 Functions of Diagonalizable Matrices HW3.3
18 Th 04/03 3.4 Normal Matrices HW3.4
19 Tu 04/08 3.5 Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) HW3.5
20 Th 04/10 3.6 Positive Definite Matrices and Quadratic Forms HW3.6
21 Tu 04/15 Test 3: Chapter 3 Eigensystem Basics
22 Th 04/17 4.1 Spaces and Subspaces HW4.1
23 Tu 04/22 4.2 The Fundaemental Subspaces HW4.2
24 Th 04/24 4.3 Orthogonal Complements and Projections HW4.3
25 Tu 04/29 4.4 Least Squares HW4.4
26 Th 05/01 4.5 Coordinates HW4.5
27 Tu 05/06 4.6 Change of Bases HW4.6
28 Th 05/08 Test 4: Chapter 4 Vector Spaces
29 Tu 05/13 Review Post-assessment
Tu 05/20 01:00-03:00 Final Exam Note the date and time!

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This page version 1.1, January 2025.