Math 225 - Introduction to Differential Equations

Summer 2023 - Matthias K. Gobbert

Detailed Schedule - Last Updated 08/07/2023

This schedule is designed to give you an overview of the material to be covered and is tentative in nature. It is a living document and may be updated throughout the semester.
The chapter and section numbers refer to Stanley J. Farlow, An Introduction to Differential Equations and Their Applications, Dover, 2006.
The numbers HW00, HW01, HW02, etc. in the Class column indicate homeworks "HW" due as PDF upload to Blackboard on that day.
The numbers IQ0, BQ0a, BQ1_01, etc. in the Main Topic column indicate online Blackboard quizzes "IQ" and "BQ" due before that class.
The numbers GQ0a, GQ0b, etc. in the Main Topic column indicate in-class group quizzes "GQ" during that class due as PDF upload.
These numbers in the detailed schedule are designed to show the teaching philosophy and learning techniques associated with each class meeting.
See the Assignments area of the Blackboard site for our course for the precise due dates and times.
Class Date Main Topic Notes
Week 1:
1 Mo 07/10 BQ0a, IQ0, Overview, GQ0a HW 0 due: general; pre-assessment
BQ1_01, 1.1 Basic Definitions, 1.2 Classification HW 1 due: Sec 1.1, 1.2
2 We 07/12 BQ1_02, GQ0b, 2.2 Separable Equations HW 2 due: Sec. 2.2
3 Th 07/13 BQ1_03, 2.1 First-Order Linear Equations
BQ1_04, 2.1 First-Order Linear Equations HW 3 due: Sec. 2.1
Week 2:
4 Mo 07/17 BQ1_05, 1.2 Some Basic Theory: Picard's Theorem HW 4 due: Sec. 1.2, Review
BQ1_06, 2.7 The Direction Field
5 We 07/19 BQ1_07, 2.7 A First-Order Numerical Method: Euler's Method HW 5 due: Sec. 2.7
6 Th 07/20 Test 1 (Chapters 1 and 2)
Week 3:
7 Mo 07/24 BQ2_01, 3.1 Introduction to Second-Order Linear Equations, 3.2 Fundamental Solutions
BQ2_02, 3.4 Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients: Real Roots HW 6 due: Sec. 3.1, 3.2, 3.4
8 We 07/26 BQ2_03, 3.3 Reduction of Order and Repeated Real Roots
BQ2_04, 3.5 Homogeneous Equations with Constant Coefficients: Complex Roots HW 7 due: Sec. 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
9 Th 07/27 BQ2_05, 3.6 Nonhomogeneous Equations
BQ2_06, 3.7 Solving Nonhomogeneous Equations: Method of Undetermined Coefficients HW 8 due: Sec. 3.6, 3.7
Week 4:
10 Mo 07/31 BQ2_07, 3.8 Solving Nonhomogeneous Equations: Method of Variation of Parameters
BQ2_08, 3.8 Solving Nonhomogeneous Equations: Method of Variation of Parameters HW 9 due: Sec. 3.8, Review
11 We 08/02 BQ2_09, 3.12 Introduction to Higher-Order Equations
12 Th 08/03 Review HW 10 due: Sec. 3.7, 3.8
Week 5:
13 Mo 08/07 Test 2 (Chapter 3)
14 We 08/09 BQ3_01, 5.1 Definition of the Laplace Transform HW 11 due: Sec. 5.1
15 Th 08/10 BQ3_02, 5.2 Properties of the Laplace Transform, 5.3 The Inverse Laplace Transform
BQ3_03, 5.4 Initial-Value Problems HW 12 due: Sec. 5.2, 5.3, 5.4
Week 6:
16 Mo 08/14 BQ3_04, 5.5 Step Functions and Delayed Functions
BQ3_05, 5.6 Differential Equations with Discontinous Forcing Functions HW 13 due: Sec. 5.5, 5.6
17 We 08/16 BQ3_06, 5.7 Impulse Forcing Functions
BQ3_07, Chapter 6: Systems of linear differential equations HW 14 due: Sec. 5.6, 5.7, Review
18 Th 08/17 Final Exam -- in person -- in ITE 104 --- Note the room! HW 15 due: feedback; post-assessment

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This page version 1.2, August 2023.