Biology 100 Discussion/Spring 1996


Due to limited space, work out problems on a separate sheet of paper


1. In peas, yellow seed (Y) is dominant over green seed (y). In the F2 generation of a parental cross in which a dominant homozygote is crossed with a recessive homozygote, you would expect: a) plants that produce 3 yellow seeds to every green seed b) plants with one yellow seed for every green seed c) only plants with either the genotype YY or yy d) both a and c

2. In humans, pointed eyebrows are dominant over smooth eyebrows. Mary's father has pointed eyebrows, but she and her mother have smooth eyebrows. What is the genotype of the father? a) BB b) Bb c) bb

3. How can you distinguish whether an individual is a homozygous dominant or a heterozygous dominant? Test Cross

2 TRAITS (dihybrid) which are UNLINKED

4. In guinea pigs, smooth coat (S) is dominant over rough coat (s) and black coat (B) is dominant over white coat (b). In the cross SsBb X SsBb, how many of the offspring will have a smooth, black coat? a) 9 out of 16 b) 1 out of 16 c) 6 out of 16 d) all offspring will have this phenotype

5. In tomatoes, red fruit (R) is dominant over yellow fruit (r) and tallness (T) is dominant over shortness (t). A plant that is RrTT is crossed with a plant that is rrTt. What are the chances of an offspring being heterozygous for both traits? a) none b) 1/2 c) 1/4 d) 9/16

6. Referring to the information of the previous question, if a plant with an RrTt genotype is crossed with a plant that is rrtt: a) all the offspring will be tall with red fruit b) 12 out of 16 will be tall with red fruit c) 8 out of 16 will be tall with red fruit d) 4 out of 16 will be tall with red fruit

7. In horses, B=black coat, b=brown coat, and T=trotter, t=pacer. A black trotter that has a brown pacer offspring is: a) BT b) BbTt c) bbtt d) BBtt

2 TRAITS (dihybrid) which are LINKED

8. Shaggy hair in dogs is dominant to its recessive allele, short hair, and black coat color is dominant to its recessive allele, tan. When heterozygous black, shaggy-haired dogs are crossed to short-haired tan dogs, progeny with the following phenotypes are obtained: 46% shaggy and black, 44% short and tan, 5% shaggy and tan and 5% are short and black. What is the distance between the hair length and hair color loci? 10 map units (or centimorgans)

9. Individuals of the genotype AaBb were mated to individuals of genotype aabb. One thousand offspring were counted: Aabb 474 aaBb 480 AaBb 20 aabb 26
This type of cross is known as a testcross. What are the two parental classes? Aabb, aaBb
and the two recombinant classes of offspring? AaBb, aabb. What is the percentage of recombination between these two loci? 4.6% How many map units apart are they? 4.6 map units (centimorgans)

10. The frequency of crossing-over between linked genes A and B is 35%; between B and C is 10%; between C and D is 15%; between C and A is 25%; between D and B is 25%. The sequence of the genes on the chromosome is: a) ACDB b) ACBD c) ABDC d) ABCD e) ADCB

11. Gene A and gene B are known to be 10mu apart on the same chromosome. Individuals homozygous dominant for these genes are mated with homozygous recessives. The offspring are then test crossed. If there are 1,000 offspring from the test cross, how many of the offspring would you expect to show the cross-over phenotype? 100


12. A woman with type AB blood marries a man whose mother was type O and father type A. They have a son with type B blood. What are the possible genotypes of the father? I(i)I(A) or I(i)I(i) [Note: the letters in parenthesis should be superscripts!]

13. In cattle, reddish coat color is not completely dominant to white coat color. Heterozygous individuals have coats that are roan colored (ie. reddish, but with spots of white hairs). Outline a breeding procedure whereby a true breeding strain of red cattle could be established from a roan bull and a white cow.
First cross roan bull X white cow ; Next cross the 2 roan progeny = 25% true breed red cattle


14. Yellow coat color in guinea pigs is produced by the homozygous genotype CyCy, cream color by the heterozygous genotype CyCw, and white by the homozygous genotype CwCw. What genotypic and phenotypic ratios are matings between cream colored individuals likely to produce? 1:2:1

15. When a true breeding white horse was mated with a true breeding black horse, all the progeny were brown. What would be the phenotypic and genotypic ratio of the F2 progeny? 1:2:1

16. The X-linked barred locus in chickens controls the pattern of the feathers, with the alleles B for barred pattern and b for no bars. If a barred male (XBY) is mated to a nonbarred female (XbXb), what will be the appearance of the male and female progeny? All females=barred ; All males=no bars

17. A particular sex-linked recessive disease of humans isn't usually fatal. Suppose that a boy with the disease lives past puberty and marries a woman heterozygous for the trait. If they have a daughter, what is the probability that she will have the disease?a) 0% b) 25% c) 50% d) 75% e) 100%

18. What are the chances that a non-color blind male from a family with color-blindness (an X-linked recessive allele) will pass on the color blind trait to his children? a) 50% b) 100% c) 0% d) 75% e) not enough information is given to determine the answer

19. Princess Eugenie, who was a carrier for hemophilia, married her cousin Prince Albert who was a hemophiliac. a) all their children would be hemophiliacs b) half their children of both sexes would be hemophiliacs c) all their girls would be hemophiliacs d) all their sons would be carriers e) two of the above

20. The hemophilia gene is located 12 map units from the red-green colorblindness gene on the X chromosome. Red-green colorblindness is recessive to normal color vision. A woman with normal blood clotting and normal color vision, but whose father was a hemophiliac and whose mother was red-green colorblind, marries a man who is not a hemophiliac and is not colorblind. What percent of their children will be colorblind and have hemophilia? a) 50% b) 12% c) 6% d) 3% e) too little information to predict.

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