Math 301 - Introduction to Mathematical Analysis I

Fall 2015 - Andrei Draganescu

Detailed Schedule

This schedule is tentative, and will continously suffer corrections.
The chapter numbers refer to the text, Bartle & Sherbert, Introduction to Real Analysis, fourth edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
Class Date Topic Section(s)
1 W 8/26 Introduction. Propositional logic. Appendix A
2 M 8/31 Variables and quantifiers. Proofs. Appendix A, 1.1
3 W 9/2 Sets and functions. 1.1
M 9/7 Labor Day
4 W 9/9 Sets and functions (contd.). 1.1
5 M 9/14 Mathematical induction. 1.2
6 W 9/16 Finite and infinite sets. 1.3
7 M 9/21 Construction of integer, rational, and real numbers. The algebraic and order properties of the real line. 2.1
8 W 9/23 Absolute values and the real line. The completeness property of R. 2.2, 2.3
9 M 9/28 The completeness property of R (contd.). 2.3
10 W 9/30 Applications of the supremum property. 2.4
11 M 10/5 Test 1.
12 W 10/7 Applications of the supremum property (contd.). Intervals. 2.4, 2.5
13 M 10/12 Intervals. 2.5
14 W 10/14 Sequences and their limits. 3.1
15 M 10/19 Limit theorems. 3.2
16 W 10/21 Limit theorems (cont). Monotone sequences. 3.2, 3.3
17 M 10/26 Monotone sequences (cont). 3.3
18 W 10/28 Subsequences and the Bolzano-Weierstass Theorem. 3.4
19 M 11/02 Subsequences and the Bolzano-Weierstass Theorem (cont). The Cauchy Criterion. 3.4, 3.5
20 W 11/04 Contractive sequences. 3.5
21 M 11/09
22 W 11/11 Test 2.
23 M 11/16
24 W 11/18
25 M 11/23
26 W 11/25
27 M 11/30
28 W 12/02
29 M 12/07
W 12/16 (1-3) Final Exam.

page last modified 10/12/2015