Math 630 - Matrix Analysis

Spring 2013 - Andrei Draganescu

Detailed Schedule

This schedule is tentative, and will continously suffer corrections.
The chapter numbers refer to the text Fundamentals of Matrix Computations, 3rd edition, Wiley, 2010, by David Watkins.
Class Date Topic Section(s)
1 M 1/28 Introduction. Model problems.
2 W 1/30 Linear algebra review. Triangular systems. 1.1 - 1.3
3 M 2/4 Cholesky factorization. 1.4
4 W 2/6 Introduction to Matlab.
5 M 2/11 Banded and sparse systems. 1.5 - 1.6
6 W 2/13 LU factorization. 1.7
7 M 2/18 LU factorization with pivoting. 1.8
8 W 2/20 Vector and matrix norms. 2.1
9 M 2/25 Sensitivity analysis. Backward error analysis of LU factorization Vector and matrix norms. 2.2 - 2.7
10 W 2/27
11 M 3/4
12 W 3/6
13 M 3/11
14 W 3/13
M 3/18 Spring Break
W 3/20 Spring Break
15 M 3/25
16 W 3/27
17 M 4/1
18 W 4/3
19 M 4/8
20 W 4/10
21 M 4/15
22 W 4/17
23 M 4/22
24 W 4/24
25 M 4/29
26 W 5/1
27 M 5/6
28 W 5/8
29 M 5/13

page last modified 1/08/2013