Math 410 - Introduction to Complex Analysis

Fall 2013 - Andrei Draganescu

Detailed Schedule

This schedule is tentative, and will continously suffer corrections.
The chapter numbers refer to the text Fundamentals of Complex Analysis, by E. B. Saff and A. D. Snider, Third Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003.
Class Date Topic Section(s)
1 W 8/28 Introduction.
M 9/2 Labor Day
2 W 9/4 The algebra of complex numbers. 1.1-1.3
3 M 9/9 Roots of unity. The complex exponential. 1.4, 1.5
4 W 9/11 The complex log function. Basic notions of plane topology. 1.6, 2.1
5 M 9/16 Complex functions. Limits of complex functions. 2.1 2.2
6 W 9/18 Analyticity. The Cauchy-Riemann equations. 2.3, 2.4
7 M 9/23 Calculus with Wirtinger derivatives. Differentiability of elementary functions. 2.4
8 W 9/25 Harmonic functions. 2.5
9 M 9/30 Contour integrals. 4.1, 4.2
10 W 10/2 Independence of path. 4.3
11 M 10/7 Cauchy's integral theorem. 4.4
12 W 10/9 Cauchy's integral theorem (part 2). 4.4
13 M 10/14 Cauchy's integral formula and its consequences. 4.5
14 W 10/16 Bounds for analytic functions. Liouville's theorem. 4.6
15 M 10/21 Review.
16 W 10/23 Midterm exam
17 M 10/28
18 W 10/30
19 M 11/4
20 W 11/6
21 M 11/11
22 W 11/13
23 M 11/18
24 W 11/20
25 M 11/25
26 W 11/27
27 M 12/2
28 W 12/4
29 M 12/9
30 W 12/11
W 12/13 Final Exam

page last modified 10/03/2013