Math 221 Section 02 - Introduction to Linear Algebra

Fall 2013 - Andrei Draganescu

Detailed Schedule

This schedule is tentative, and will continously suffer corrections.
The chapter numbers refer to the text Linear Algebra and its Applications, Fourth Edition, Addison Wesley, 2012, by David C. Lay.
Class Date Topic Section(s)
1 W 8/28 Introduction. Model problems.
M 9/2 Labor Day
2 W 9/4 Solving linear systems using row reduction and echelon forms. 1.1, 1.2
3 M 9/9 Vector equations. 1.3
4 W 9/11 Linear systems in matrix form. 1.4
5 M 9/16 Solutions sets of linear systems. Linear independence. 1.5, 1.7
6 W 9/18 Linear independence. Linear transformations. 1.7, 1.8
7 M 9/23 Linear transformations and matrix representation. 1.8, 1.9
8 W 9/25 Linear transformations and matrix representation. Review. 1.9
9 M 9/30 Matrix operations. 2.1
10 W 10/2 The inverse of a matrix. 2.2
11 M 10/7 Characterization of invertible matrices. 2.3
12 W 10/9 Partitioned matrices. 2.4
13 M 10/14 Vector spaces and subspaces. 4.1
14 W 10/16 Test 1
15 M 10/21 Null spaces, column spaces. 4.2
16 W 10/23 Linearly independent sets; bases. 4.3
17 M 10/28 Linearly independent sets; bases (continued). 4.3
18 W 10/30 Coordinate systems; dimension of a vector space. 4.4, 4.5
19 M 11/4
20 W 11/6
21 M 11/11
22 W 11/13
23 M 11/18
24 W 11/20
25 M 11/25 Test 2 (tentative)
26 W 11/27
27 M 12/2
28 W 12/4
29 M 12/9
30 W 12/11
W 12/18 Final Exam

page last modified 10/30/2013