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In staging "Mima," David Belasco achieved results in production
methods that had not previously been attempted by any producer or
Productions of this kind can be made only by those who are
willing to set aside all thoughts of monetary compensation, the
reward being in gratification for having accomplished the
seemingly impossible. The initial expenses for production and
rehearsals are so great, with high running expenses superadded,
that even if the attraction is a success and plays to capacity in
a theatre as small as the Belasco, the end of the run will show a
deficit of many thousand dollars.
Two years were spent in planning the production of "Mima." The
Belasco Theatre was closed nine and a half weeks, at the height
of the theatrical season. The major portion of the time was
consumed in getting scenery and lights in place and making the
various pieces of intricate mechanism function properly.
The setting was carried out into the auditorium as far as the
balconies, a gigantic machine, most of which was constructed of
iron and sheet steel. Tons of iron were used for supports and
decorations. Forty-five thousand nickel upholstery nails were
used to give the effect of rivet heads.
Motors and lights were so numerous that there was hardly a place
that the eye could travel without seeing them. Each light was
connected individually with a dimmer; and every are lens was
fitted with an iris diaphragm.
Thus every phase of illumination was under perfect control.
The last four weeks were taken up almost entirely with
rehearsals, each of which started at ten A.M. and usually lasted
until three A.M. the following morning. David Belasco spent at
least twenty hours out of every twenty four in the theatre. When
the rehearsal was over he would still remain, absorbed in
watching his staff make the changes he had ordered during it.
Five A.M. was the time the crew generally left the theatre, to
return at nine thirty to be ready for the next rehearsal at ten.
The first scene was the Magister's Laboratory, the setting being
draped in black hangings made of a special cloth with a sheen
like patent leather. The effectiveness of this depended entirely
on the lighting--the different changes and their smooth
manipulation. The scenes of the visions were especially
effective. They were done in a new and novel manner. The
"visions" were set on an elevated platform, in front of which
there was a round gauze ten feet in diameter, framed in a black
velvet drop. When the lights were gradually brought up on the
"vision," the elevated platform was twelve feet above stage
level. As the lights came on, the scene started slowly to
descend, the lights being raised at the same speed as the
movement of the sinking platform. The resultant illusion was that
the scene was suspended in the air; and as it slowly went down it
seemed to float. The elevator was operated by a motor that was
equipped with automatic stops; and push-buttons were used to
start the platform either up or down.
In an ordinary production the manipulation of switches and
dimmer controls is comparatively simple because in most cases
these changes are made on cues where exact timing is not of great
importance. In "Mima" the tempo was important as the
effectiveness of the lighting actually depended on exact timing.
In bringing the lights either up or down the dimmer handles had
to move at varying speeds, at times starting slowly up to a
certain point, then increasing, and slowing up at the end of the
dimming. At other times this order was reversed; and all its
intricacies had to be remembered by the men who worked the
controls. It would have been useless to write it into the
lighting plot as too much time would have been required to read
it. Besides, the work was more a matter of feeling which could
not be explained definitely in words. It was only by constant
rehearsing, which gave the men practice, that the desired results
were attained.
To give the reader an idea of the method we adopted I have
inserted a full copy of the first act plot. It is in two main
sections, the one being a general plot for reference, the other a
working plot.
The General plot is a condensed version; the one attached to the
manuscript is more explanatory and contains as many words as the
As music of overture starts house lights go down. Pull house
switches from top to bottom separately, leaving
blue dome and boxes on.
Stereopticon effects are thrown on both sides of proscenium arch
at definite music cue during overture. Whirligigs on either side
of stage come up together slowly on second music cue.
Cave (Icebox--green) lights follow whirligigs.
Whirligigs die down on music cue; also stereopticons. Pull house
lights at roll of drums, so that auditorium will be totally dark
before last note of overture is sounded.
Red lens is thrown on Malacoda after he has entered and stands in
place. The lens should be thrown simultaneously with the last
note of overture.
When Magister enters: Throw red spot on him.
When Worker Devils run on and group about Magister:
Spread red spot to include them.
"It is the Adjutant!" Red aisle light on Left is brought on.
Balcony red lights come on. Light drapery strip to one-half.
Bring on switchboard lens.
When Worker Devils exit: Reduce red spot down to Magister's face.
Throw blue baby lens from Left on Rubicante's face.
When noise of Dancer Devils leaping through Pit is heard; Bring
drapery strip down to three-quarter mark, but bringing it up to
full as Court marches down. When Members of Court sit: Bring
drapery strip down to one-fourth mark.
"The Master wants the Manikins!" Green spot from front is thrown
on Left steps. Take off red lens. Dim down red spot on Magister
to cover only his face. Dim drapery strip very low. Bring up
cave lights.
When last of Manikins reaches stage: Diminish out green front
spot. Green babies (Right, 1st entrance--left, 2nd entrance) to
be thrown on.
"Switch on that violet ray" Put on violet reflector from flies
and spread slowly over group of Manikins.
"Hide behind the curtain!" Diminish out violet reflector.
When Manikins exit: Take off green babies. Bring up drapery strip
to one-third mark.
"Now bring Mima!" Throw green front spot on cave. Throw green
baby light from Right on steps so that Rubicante can descend.
As Magister comes toward center of stage: Increase red front spot
on him. Increase drapery strip, to one-half.
When music commences: Dim drapery strip down and out. Decrease
red front spot on Magister.
As Mima comes up steps to stage: Green front spot on cave
increases and follows her to top of steps, then goes out as
green babies, Right and Left, pick her up.
"Behold Majesty-perfection!'' Drapery strip goes to mark four.
"Now, she will awaken!" Violet -----
"...vocal records. Begin" Violet Red
"Farfarello. Begin.!" Green Green
"... love and hate."
(Light changes accord- Red, green, red, Red, green, red,
ing to emotions ex- green, red, green, red,
pressed, but preceding green, red. green, red.
"Now, indifference!" Blue Red
". . . to lie now." Pink White
"Reverse! The truth!" Green Amber
"The virtuous married
woman." Pink White
"Now !" Red Red
going to swear." Green White
" get herself out of it." Red Amber
". . . French, Mima. A
street-walker." Red White
" . according to their
ranks." Violet White
"Hello, Freddie." Pink Amber
When Mima exits: Put green babies out. Bring drapery
strip up to full. Increase red spot on Magister.
When telescope curtains are ready to open: Put on red
strip behind ground row Right.
"Open!" Bring all lights down. Dim drapery strip down to mark.
Amber pockets on dimmer up to high mark on prompt side only.
" above the earth!" Bring Right reflector, blue, to full.
White pockets on full and dim up to high mark on prompt side
"Then let us begin our search." Bring blue reflectors on Right
to one half. Dim white and amber pockets to
low mark.
"... of his home life." Bring drapery strip to four mark. The
curtains on the Schoolmaster's Scene have been opened and blue
lights in Schoolmaster's vision begin to develop. Pink and
amber lenses come up, the amber lights working up as the vision
"... plate of appetiz..." Pull lights to flash out
Schoolmaster's Scene. Drapery strip goes out.
When curtain close: Bring drapery strip to mark.
"... fair lady's boudoir." Develop descending Poet's Scene--Amber
lens on Left and pink lens on Right, above. Drapery strip goes
out, and then up to two mark.
"Snap it out!" Pull switch and flash out Poet's Scene.
When Court Devils jump up: Red spot is spread on them from
front, remaining until they are seated and quiet again. Red face
spot only on Magister as he spreads his coat-tails. The light on
Magister should increase whenever he attempts to address Court.
Drapery strip goes out.
When curtains close on Poet's Scene: Bring drapery strip to mark.
"... the idol of his people . ú ." Flash in Politician's Rostrum
Scene, with blue strip and amber lens. Bring
drapery strip to same mark.
"Snap it off" Pull switches to flash out Politician's Rostrum
Scene. Bring drapery strip up. Throw front red spot on Court
As Court Devils finish railing at Politician: Drapery strip
slowly dims. Red front spot is taken off Court.
"Master! Master!" Drapery strip dims out.
"... look him over then." Forester's Scene develops by bringing
on blue strip, amber strip, and pink and amber lenses. Drapery
strip goes up to point between marks two and three.
When Honka stands up: Throw on baby lenses Right and Left, with
amber baby lens from Left on her face.
"~ . . damned in one hour." Bring drapery strip down to
one-fourth mark. Moonlight comes into scene by taking off amber
strip and pink and amber lenses, and bringing up blue strip to
one-fourth mark.
"Alichino! Calcabrina !" As they enter from Right, throw red
front spot on the two devils, and follow them with it until they
run off Right. Hold red spot on point where they exeunt, and
when they reenter from Right, an instant later, follow them
with spot across stage. As they run off Left, the red spot is
flashed up to top of Left proscenium arch, and then out.
At start of chimes: Pink and amber in vision are entirely off,
and blue for moonlight is fully developed.
When arms of Alichino and Calcabrina appear in vision: Throw red
babies Right and Left on arms.
"Help" (3rd time). Blue strip in vision goes out. After count of
six, put out babies on Devils' arms.
When telescope curtains close: Take off telescope light, blue
sky, stars, and flames by dimming out amber and white pockets
and pulling socket. Bring drapery strip to full. Put on red
"... have you any creamed cabbage?" Take off red lens.
When Satan exits: Red front spot comes on Satan when he mounts
Right steps to stage. Red light from reflector, first entrance
Left strikes across stage and goes off as last of procession
exits. Red spot on Satan goes off as he exits Left. Drapery
strip dims slowly to out as last of Court leave. Red front spot
on Magister decreases to size of face spot.
"quick, Mima!" White entrance light on Right comes on. Throw on
green babies, Right and Left.
"Mima! Wake up!" Throw violet ray from front on Mima.
As Mima is carried off: "I can't fail!" Take violet ray off Mima.
When Rubicante exits with Mima: White entrance light on Right and
green babies Right and Left come off.
When Magister exits: Take red front spot off. Bring up house
lights switch quick, at signal light from stage Left.
Music Cue: No. I up slow.
Music Cue: No. I down and out. No. g Cave up to first
Last note of music: NO. 14 flashed in (Dimmer set one-
third) Lens. No. 13 flashed in (Dimmer full) Ref.
"Thank you, Sir." Noú 14 up full. No. 13 down and out.
"See what it is-it is the Adjutant." NO. 12 Aisle up full.
"... to your electric bridge." No. 6 Switchboard up one-
third mark.
At Devil's Hymn: No. 12 down and out.
"Rubicante, the Manikins!" No. 14 down and out. No. 9 up half.
As Manikins come on: No. 7 nitch green up one-third.
No. 5 midgets up half.
". . . with your violet ray. Begin!" No. 4 slowly up.
"Hide behind the curtain." No. 4 slowly out.
As Manikins leave: No. 7 down and out. No. 5 up to full .
When Manikins are off: NO. 5 down and out. Plug lens in No. 10.
Hanger No. 5. C-1-2-3-4 No. 14. B-3-4 No. 13. B-1-2 No. 12.
". . . with your vocal records. Begin!" No. 2 slowly up.
"Kiss me--kiss me." No. 2 down.
"... register hate." No. 2 slowly up.
". . . I'll kill you--I'll kill you!" No. 2 down on dimmer.
Turn on the alternating current, love and hate: No. 2 up on
After Mima weeps: No. 2 down and out. No. 6 down and out.
"Take her to the engine room, touch her." No. 4 first entrance
floor up one-third.
As Mima leaves stage: No. 4 down and out. No. 10 up.
When man, says "Open."' No. 9 cave light down to glow. No. 10
Set up: No. 11-12-13-14 dimmer down. No. 12 switch in.
"I shall throw the Schoolmaster's home on the screen." No. 12
blue strip up slowly to one-fourth.
As elevator starts: No. 12 up to one-third mark. Throw in No. 13.
Switch in together: amber reflector threefourths mark--No. 11;
No. 13 amber strip and window one-third mark; No. 14 pink
reflector up to one-half.
"I will go where I can get a plate of appetiz..." Pull switches
Nos. 11-12-13-14. Bring Nos. 11-12-13 dimmers back down. Throw
No. 12 switch in. Note: Change window plug from No. 13 to 14 on
top of board.
Curtain: No. 12 (blue X-ray to mark).
When trap is down: No. 11 reflector amber up full. No. 14
reflector pink and floor lamp up to mark when up full. No.13
throw switch and ride up full.
"Snap it off." Pull switches Nos. 1-12-14-13.
Nos. 11-12 on mark half-one-third.
"idol of his people." Flash in Nos. 11-12.
"Snap it off." Pull switches Nos. 11-12.
"We'll take a look at him then." No. 12 up to mark (on dimmer
When trap is down: Nos. 11-14 up to full (on dimmer slowly).
"We will see him damned in one hour." No. 12 slowly up to half
Together( No. 11 slowly down. )Very slowly
No. 14 slowly down.
"Help Help! Help" Pull Nos. 11-12-14.
When curtains are closed: No. 10 lens up full. Nos. 6-9 up half.
"... creamed cabbage" (buffet): No. 10 down (lens on
bridge). No. 5 (first entrance hanger) up full.
When last man is off: No. 5 down and out. No. 10 up full.
After: "quick! Bring Mima!"
"Draghignazzo, your ray!" No. 8 up slowly to one-third mark (No.
8 first entrance up). No. 10 down and out--quick.
When man picks up Mima and turns: Nos. 6-8-9 down and out on
Magister's entrance, first Entrance Right: Throw red pin spot on
"...schedule": Increase spot at Center of stage.
When Workers enter: Cover all. Follow Magister throughout act.
"Bring on the Manikins!" Green spot as cave door opens. Stay
till last Manikin is up to top of steps and out slowly.
"Bring on Mima!" Green spot on cave door as it opens, and follows
Mima to Left of stage. Blind off slowly as she starts to Center
of stage.
"She will awaken!" Violet spot large on Mima as Mima light comes
on. Violet spot small.
"My darling My darling!" Blind off.
". . . will register hate." Green spot on Mima.
"... knife and I'll kill ..." Spot out.
"... love and hate!" Red spot on Mima.
"Kiss Me!" (I love you!): Green spot on Mima.
"don't touch me!" (I hate you I): Red spot on Mima.
"Ah, Kiss me!" (Don't touch me!): Green spot on Mima.
"Stop! Don't I hate you!" (I hate you): Red spot on Mima.
"I love you!" Green spot on Mima.
"I hate you!" Red spot on Mima.
"I love you!" Blind off.
"Now, indifference!" Blue spot on Mima.
" lie now!" Pink spot on Mima"s dress.
"... Reverse!" Green spot on Mima's dress.
". . . virtuous married woman!" Pink spot covers Mima.
"Now!" Red spot covers Mima.
". . . going to swear!" Green spot on Mima's dress.
". . . herself out of it" Red spot on Mima's dress.
" away with myself!" Out.
"... street-walker!" Red spot covers Mima.
"Ow, Kiss me foot!" Out.
". .. to their ranks!'' Violet spot covers Mima.
"Hello, Freddie!" Pink spot covers Mima.
"She weeps!" Blind slowly.
During Boudoir Scene: Red spot on Satan.
Devils go up to apron of stage: Red spot comes to a flood. Devils
turn and sit down: Red flood comes to spot on Satan.
Politician's Scene: Devils go up to apron of stage: Red spot on
Satan comes to flood.
"Master, Master!" Blind off slowly.
Forester's Scene: Two Devils enter: Red spot on them, and follow
to exit.
Two Devils return, Right: Follow them across stage and shoot
straight up in air, Left, and blind off.
After two Devils exit: Red spot on Satan, follow him up
across stage, and off slowly when he exits.
Mima comes to center of stage-"Mima" Small violet spot on Mima.
"Wake up, Mima!" Larger violet spot, on Mima.
"I can't fail!" Blind off.
No front lights, this act.
Music Cue: Pull house switches from top to bottom separately
leaving blue dome and boxes on.
Music Cue: Front switch. Fire effect. Dim up full.
Music Cue: Dim fire. Dim to out. Pull switch.
Music Cue: Dim balance of house lights quickly and pull switch.
Workers repeat: "Turning, bobbing, throbbing": Front switch and
dim two reflectors up about one-half. Drapery strip to four
Court enters pit: Drapery strip to high mark and dim out
reflectors. Fronts while Court stands. After song put front
dimmer to full for spotlight.
"Master wants the Manikins" Dim drapery strip all down.
Exit Manikins: Drapery strip up to mark 3.
"Ready--Mima" Drapery strip dim all down and out.
"Behold. Your Majesty!" Drapery strip to mark 4.
Exit Mima: Drapery strip to full.
"Open!" Amber pockets on dimmer up to high mark, prompt side
only. Drapery strip dim down to mark,
"Give me the sky above the earth, Malacoda." White pockets on
and dim up to high mark, prompt side only.
"Let us begin our search." Dim white and amber pockets to low
"We well view a close-up." Drapery strip to 4 mark.
First Vision--The end, curtain-"get a plate of apetiz...."
Drapery strip out.
Curtain closed~ Drapery strip to mark.
Second Vision--"... peck into lady's boudoir." Drapery strip out.
Scene develops: Drapery strip to 2 mark.
Court rises: Drapery strip out.
Curtain closed: Drapery strip to mark, and remains through third
"Master! Master!" Dim out drapery strip.
Scene develops: Drapery strip dims up to between 2 and 3 mark.
Devils enter: Dim drapery strip to mark 4.
Cyclorama for telescope closes: Amber and white pockets dimout.
Pull switches. Drapery strip to full.
Music and exit of Court: Dim drapery strip slowly to out as last
of Court exits.
Exit of Mima: Signal lights. House switch quick.
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