The Projects:
Project | Assigned | Due |
Project 0: using GL | Mon, Jan 30 | Fri, Feb 10 |
Project 1: Adjacency Lists | Mon, Feb 6 | Tue, Feb 21 |
Project 2: Sally FORTH | Mon, Feb 20 | Tue, Mar 7 |
Project 3: Lazy Binary Search Trees | Mon, Mar 27 | Tue, Apr 11 |
Project 4: Fake Min-Max Heaps | Mon, Apr 10 | Tue, Apr 25 |
Project 5: Incremental Rehash | Mon, May 1 | Tue, May 16 |
Project Development
As long as your projects compile and run on the GL servers (linux1, linux2 or linux3) you are free to use whatever development tools you want. However, we recommend that you use either the Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) or Visual Studio 2012, which is widely used in industry. Eclipse is designed to assist you when writing C++/Java applications. Eclipse is available on the PCs located in the OIT labs. If you prefer to work on your own PC, the ‘Eclipse IDE for C++ Developers” may be downloaded free of charge from
Program Compilation
The TAs will use one of the GL servers (linux1, linux2 or linux3) to compile and test your program. Therefore, ALL PROJECTS must compile and execute on a GL server with g++ without using any compilation flags .
Note that the GL Linux servers are NOT running C++11. If you develop your projects on your own PC, be sure that you are using at least C99 are recommended.
Standards and Style
All projects should adhere to the C++ coding standards found in the course coding standards document unless otherwise directed. Projects will be evaluated on these guidelines. Projects that cannot compile or are unreadable because they deviate from the course coding standards will have points deducted.
Project Submission and Policies
Projects will be submitted for grading using the shared directories on GL:
Do familiarize yourself with these course policies:
Project Re-grades and follow-ups
If you believe there is an error in the grading of your project, you can see the TAs in person during their office hours. I.e., do not ask about regrades by email. This makes the overall regrade process much better. You must make your regrade request (in person) within a week of the receipt of your project grade.Project Due date/time
A script automatically closes the submission directoy at 8:59:59 PM. This is not done by a human!! Please be diligent.