Script started on Mon 04 Dec 2017 11:28:05 AM EST linux1[101]% valgrind ./t8.out ==18545== Memcheck, a memory error detector ==18545== Copyright (C) 2002-2012, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al. ==18545== Using Valgrind-3.8.1 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info ==18545== Command: ./t8.out ==18545== ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== adventurously(2662040037) affixes(540055654) alleles(781826722) amenity(812981335) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 17 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 9 m_shift = 9 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 2 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== acres(118719694) altitudes(2914175855) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== absolutists(1804216093) aeolian(511684889) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== abbots(3916000027) abstract(292647668) actual(3917838714) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== abhorrent(3846096037) alto(3607440) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 5 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 3 m_shift = 1 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 2 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== accumulate(649604228) agakhan(573315755) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== acquittal(2477402728) almshouses(3550795972) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== entrepreneurship(2444529843) flyaway(2959484349) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== furnishing(523624541) glace(126140060) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== fireproofed(2686908181) gibed(126033403) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 5 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 4 m_shift = 0 ---- reboot #2: m_tsize = 5 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 2 m_shift = 1 ---- reboot #3: m_tsize = 5 m_multiplier = 35 m_factor = 2 m_shift = 0 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 4 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== enthrone(1605361411) haltered(703140745) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== escarpment(2255269714) fared(124577410) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== featuring(3782931621) healthful(3081957757) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== gale(3810809) heathers(1143650100) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== elk(113660) feuded(4115905069) hasnt(126950654) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 11 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 1 m_shift = 6 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 2 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== extolling(2686705846) gangling(1097466599) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== forensically(718140363) gaging(4149799405) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== encephalopathy(664577269) glans(126140437) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== facsimiles(2920859616) frond(125185369) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== entrance(1616608240) falsifying(4227027628) germanic(2131638246) guava(126464116) heartbreak(2072529433) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== epsilon(1817718394) headlamp(1124814588) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== extra(124220644) frictions(551946513) garbles(3812185632) ground(4170260623) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== extracted(2790755140) falls(124571122) fortified(936088188) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 11 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 3 m_shift = 9 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 2 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== freehand(1554072733) gasholder(4061822073) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 5 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 4 m_shift = 0 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 2 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== expertness(6591953) ferment(2677647217) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== encamp(4086793108) fetes(124723351) foundation(472369527) heathenism(4189259622) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 17 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 10 m_shift = 4 ---- reboot #2: m_tsize = 17 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 8 m_shift = 12 ---- reboot #3: m_tsize = 17 m_multiplier = 35 m_factor = 13 m_shift = 6 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 4 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== futilely(1725431982) greece(4169883467) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== glowers(4239864675) grasp(126356221) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== enthusiasm(308856833) fencings(2294754893) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 5 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 2 m_shift = 4 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 2 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== excerpt(2111689627) extraordinarily(15090433) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== entice(4087412408) gnostic(23040439) governments(2687182168) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== enumerator(1512380258) flexion(2936577685) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== equivocal(1778964105) gleanings(3537346648) gleefulness(1280566461) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 11 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 8 m_shift = 7 ---- reboot #2: m_tsize = 11 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 8 m_shift = 6 ---- reboot #3: m_tsize = 11 m_multiplier = 35 m_factor = 7 m_shift = 7 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 4 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== felling(2670500097) fingerless(3558669746) floater(2947621997) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 11 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 3 m_shift = 7 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 2 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== fable(124560218) gropingly(2161018075) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== embassy(1679871828) esplanade(3341562701) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 5 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 1 m_shift = 4 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 2 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== expansively(627080376) galactic(1011768664) gangrene(1097677863) gaucherie(2145576109) grew(3829109) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 29 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 2 m_shift = 19 ---- reboot #2: m_tsize = 29 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 28 m_shift = 10 ---- reboot #3: m_tsize = 29 m_multiplier = 35 m_factor = 18 m_shift = 15 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 4 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== executable(1184121314) gating(4150266586) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== fireside(3324926699) gadding(3795651630) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== gerund(4154951461) goodhope(2033589461) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== forgeries(423015654) foxtrots(2736372233) groomers(1626240078) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 11 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 8 m_shift = 3 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 2 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== finalise(3163390379) heathland(3380947913) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== feinting(2112513140) fifes(124851853) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 5 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 2 m_shift = 2 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 2 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== footmen(3065703352) gouging(68848304) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 5 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 2 m_shift = 4 ---- reboot #2: m_tsize = 5 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 4 m_shift = 4 ---- reboot #3: m_tsize = 5 m_multiplier = 35 m_factor = 4 m_shift = 0 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 4 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== emissivity(3229665910) glittered(863832452) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== factorise(3388704832) forenames(354811584) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== excess(4098656875) frivolities(19022416) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== forename(2483611821) frankfurter(3122686090) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== parchment(2975355874) pens(4138678) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== papers(207369867) pensioning(3480174618) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== pastoral(2622575174) perambulated(545245302) pets(4138876) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 11 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 5 m_shift = 5 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 2 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== pampers(2545061784) payrolls(2855009526) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== patent(207513484) perish(212189803) perspicuous(2606844514) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== pane(4134308) panelled(2408995173) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== phenomenon(1803997239) phonemic(2908894707) SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 1 ==== Called SecondaryHT ==== padlocking(3040324252) paleface(2330496721) paying(207697512) peppered(3370970645) petrology(533711653) picnic(216399542) ---- reboot #1: m_tsize = 37 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 17 m_shift = 9 ---- reboot #2: m_tsize = 37 m_multiplier = 33 m_factor = 19 m_shift = 23 ---- reboot #3: m_tsize = 37 m_multiplier = 35 m_factor = 19 m_shift = 34 SecondaryHT constructor, # attempts = 4 ------------- PerfectHT::dump() ------------- table size = 29 [0]: [1]: [2]: ambassadorial [3]: === Secondary Hash Table Dump: === Table size = 17 # of items = 4 # of attempts = 2 T2[0] = T2[1] = alleles T2[2] = T2[3] = T2[4] = T2[5] = affixes T2[6] = T2[7] = T2[8] = T2[9] = T2[10] = T2[11] = T2[12] = amenity T2[13] = T2[14] = T2[15] = T2[16] = adventurously ================================== [4]: [5]: === Secondary Hash Table Dump: === Table size = 5 # of items = 2 # of attempts = 1 T2[0] = altitudes T2[1] = T2[2] = T2[3] = T2[4] = acres ================================== [6]: === Secondary Hash Table Dump: === Table size = 5 # of items = 2 # of attempts = 1 T2[0] = T2[1] = absolutists T2[2] = aeolian T2[3] = T2[4] = ================================== [7]: [8]: [9]: === Secondary Hash Table Dump: === Table size = 11 # of items = 3 # of attempts = 1 T2[0] = T2[1] = actual T2[2] = T2[3] = T2[4] = T2[5] = T2[6] = T2[7] = T2[8] = abstract T2[9] = T2[10] = abbots ================================== [10]: === Secondary Hash Table Dump: === Table size = 5 # of items = 2 # of attempts = 2 T2[0] = abhorrent T2[1] = alto T2[2] = T2[3] = T2[4] = ================================== [11]: [12]: [13]: abdicate [14]: adults [15]: === Secondary Hash Table Dump: === Table size = 5 # of items = 2 # of attempts = 1 T2[0] = T2[1] = T2[2] = accumulate T2[3] = T2[4] = agakhan ================================== [16]: === Secondary Hash Table Dump: === Table size = 5 # of items = 2 # of attempts = 1 T2[0] = acquittal T2[1] = almshouses T2[2] = T2[3] = T2[4] = ================================== [17]: [18]: accomplish [19]: absolutist [20]: [21]: alining [22]: [23]: [24]: [25]: [26]: [27]: aid [28]: ---------------------------------------------- ==18545== ==18545== HEAP SUMMARY: ==18545== in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks ==18545== total heap usage: 766 allocs, 766 frees, 24,883 bytes allocated ==18545== ==18545== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible ==18545== ==18545== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v ==18545== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 8 from 6) linux1[102]% exit exit Script done on Mon 04 Dec 2017 11:28:14 AM EST