Submit Tools

Submission and grading of programs for this class are done electronically. The following tools are provided for you to submit your programs and to manage your program submission. Please read these descriptions carefully.


The primary tool used for program submission is submit. This command is used to submit your program for grading. This command copies the files you specify into your submission directory which belongs to your instructor. Graders compile, execute and view your files in the submission directory.

The format of the submit command for this class is one of

    submit cs104_chang assignment-name list-of-files
    submit cs104_grasso assignment-name list-of-files
    submit cs104_jackson assignment-name list-of-files
    submit cs104_lupoli assignment-name list-of-files
    submit cs104_romano assignment-name list-of-files

where assignment-name is something like hw1 or cw02 and list-of-files is the list of program files, header files, output data, etc. that you wish to submit.

For example, to submit the files myhello.c and readme.txt for Homework 2 for Mr. Lupoli's section, you would enter

    submit cs104_lupoli hw2 myhello.c readme.txt

After entering this command, you should get a confirmation that submit worked okay. Specifically, a confirmation will be printed for each file

   Submitting myhello.c...OK
   Submitting readme.txt...OK

You may submit the same file more than once for the same assignment. In this case, the submit command will ask you to verify that you want to overwrite the previously submitted file. Only the most recently submitted file will be graded. For example, if you were to submit a new version of myhello.c for Homework 2, you would enter

   submit cs104_lupoli hw2 myhello.c 

and see the message

   It seems you have already submitted a file named myhello.c.
   Do you wish to overwrite? (y/n):

Enter "y" to submit a new version of myhello.c (the old one is gone forever) or enter "n" to abort the submission.


This command allows you to list (like the Unix ls command) all of the files in your submission directory for a particular project. The format of the submitls command for this course is one of

    submitls cs104_chang assignment-name
    submitls cs104_grasso assignment-name
    submitls cs104_jackson assignment-name
    submitls cs104_lupoli assignment-name
    submitls cs104_romano assignment-name

where once again assignment-name is something like hw1 or cw2.


This command allows you to delete (like the Unix rm command) files from your submission directory for a particular project.

The format of the submitrm command for this course is one of

   submitrm cs104_chang assignment-name list-of-files-to-delete
   submitrm cs104_grasso assignment-name list-of-files-to-delete
   submitrm cs104_jackson assignment-name list-of-files-to-delete
   submitrm cs104_lupoli assignment-name list-of-files-to-delete
   submitrm cs104_romano assignment-name list-of-files-to-delete

where assignment-name is something like hw1 or cw2.

For example, if you are in Mr. Jackson's section and you want to delete myhello.c from your hw2 submission directory, use the command

   submitrm cs104_jackson hw2 myhello.c

If successful, the command will respond with the message

   Deleting myhello.c

If unsuccessful, the command responds with the message

   I can't seem to find myhello.c. <shrug>