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Create an interactive program that gets a person’s first name and displays it, gets the last name and displays it. Next, put the two names together to make the whole name and display it.
From Linux on the GL machine:
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards
hw18 - Strings 1
Create an interactive program that gets a person’s first name and displays it, gets the last name and displays it. Next, put the two names together to make the whole name and display it.
Include the string.h library
Define the lengths of the 3 strings you will be using
In main()
Declare 3 strings
Prompt the user for the first name
Use fgets() to read the string in from the user
Echo the first name back to the user
Do the same for the last name
Use strncat() to combine the first and last names
Display the whole name back to the user
From Linux on the GL machine:
Compile the program:
gcc -o string1 string1.c
Run the program to make sure it works:
Use the SUBMIT utility turn in the homework.
submit cs104_grasso hw18 string1.c string1
Reference Programs :
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards