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Using the fathoms.c code as a template, create a program that does the following:
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards
hw05 - Console IO & Variables
From Linux on the GL machine:-
Write a C program (see below) and save it in a file called tempConvert.c in your ./cmsc104/hw05 directory
Compile the program:
gcc -o tempConvert tempConvert.c
Run the program to make sure it works:
Use the SUBMIT utility turn in the homework.
submit cs104_grasso hw05 tempConvert.c tempConvert
Using the fathoms.c code as a template, create a program that does the following:
Prompt the user to enter a temperature value in Fahrenheit
Echo the value back to the user
Convert the Fahrenheit value to it's equivalent in Celsius
Display the converted temperature to the user.
Make sure that you follow all the coding standards