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hw05 - Console IO & Variables

From Linux on the GL machine:

  • Write a C program (see below) and save it in a file called tempConvert.c in your ./cmsc104/hw05 directory

  • Compile the program:
    gcc -o tempConvert tempConvert.c

  • Run the program to make sure it works:

  • Use the SUBMIT utility turn in the homework.
    submit cs104_grasso hw05 tempConvert.c tempConvert

Using the fathoms.c code as a template, create a program that does the following:
  • Prompt the user to enter a temperature value in Fahrenheit
  • Echo the value back to the user
  • Convert the Fahrenheit value to it's equivalent in Celsius
  • Display the converted temperature to the user.

Make sure that you follow all the coding standards