This is a tentative syllabus and is subject to revision before Jan. 29
Chemistry 102 -Spring Semester, 2007 |
Instructor: C. Allen Bush - Room 208 Chemistry ext. 5-2506
Office Hours: by appointment - e-mail questions and requests for appointments using your UMBC e-mail account. Use of accounts on hotmail, yahoo etc. are often removed by spam filters. UMBC addresses are given special treatment and not ignored.
Required Text: Brady, J. and Senese, F Chemistry, Matter and Its Changes, 4th Ed.; Wiley; Hoboken, N.J. 2004
Recommended: Drapela: Solutions Manual to accompany Chemistry, Matter and Its Changes, 4th Ed.; Wiley; Hoboken, N.J. 2004
Prerequisites: Chem 101 with a grade of C or better is an absolute prerequisite for Chem 102. If you lack this prerequisite, you cannot receive a grade better than F in this class.
Chem 102L - the Laboratory course has Chem 102 as a co-requisite. If you drop Chem 102, you must also drop chem102L.
Repeating: According to UM BC regulations, Chem 101 cannot be repeated if Chem 102 is taken for a grade. Since Chem 102 is a prerequisite for Chem 351, it cannot be repeated if Chem 351 has already been taken for a grade.
Course Objectives: Chemistry 102 is the second semester of a two-course sequence intended to introduce chemistry to science and engineering majors and to other students requiring a thorough grounding in the principles of chemistry. Its goal is to provide a basic background and understanding of the theory and principles of chemical topics relating to solids, liquids and gases, solutions, chemical kinetics, chemical equilibrium, thermodynamics, acids, and bases and electro chemistry. Since this material is more quantitative than that of Chem 101, it is essential that you be familiar with mathematical techniques such as logarithms, exponential notation and quadratic equations etc. While calculus is not a prerequisite for this class, some of the topics will deal with rates, slopes and other concepts you may have learned in calculus class. Review these topics from your mathematics and physics courses. You will be using them in problem solving.
Administration: You are responsible for checking all deadlines for changes in audit/pass-fail grading status and for add, drop and withdraw. The Chemistry Department, in consultation with other science departments, has agreed to require students enrolled in Chem 101 and Chem 102 to use one of the following calculators in exams: TI 36X, TI 30Xa, TI 30XIIS or TI 30XIIB. Do not plan to use any more sophisticated programmable or graphical calculators in exams. If you attempt to use them, they will be confiscated.
WileyPLUS- This semester, you may register for WileyPlus to take advantage of the online tools available on the website related to our textbook. This is not mandatory and there will be no online quizzes. Go to:
If you have previously registered for WileyPLUS, you will use your existing login/password. You DO NOT have to purchase a new code. If you have not previously registered, you will need to register on the site initially with the code that came packaged with your textbook or you can purchase the code only on the Wiley website or at the bookstore. Once you have registered, you can use the materials under ``Read, Study and Practice'' such as the online text, example problems, and interactive tools.
Lectures -Lectures to be held MWF at 10 AM and 11 AM will cover the same material so you may attend either (or both). Notes and slides from the lectures will be posted on the BlackBoard site for Chem 102 after they have been given. They will review and supplement the textbook material emphasizing the points considered most significant (and most likely to be on examinations). An approximate schedule follows:
How to Study-
Exams There will be three one hour exams The Discovery Discussion grades will count for 10% of the grade. There will be no individual make-up exams for any that are missed. Exams must be taken at the assigned exam time. If you miss an exam for a valid reason, provide me with written documentation so a suitable adjustment can be made at the end of the semester. Seating will be assigned in the exam rooms, LH 2 and LH 5.
Academic Integrity
By enrolling in this course, each student assumes the responsibilities of an active participant in UMBC's scholarly community in which everyone's academic work and behavior are held to the highest standards of honesty. Cheating, fabrication, plagiarism, and helping others to commit these acts are all forms of academic dishonesty, and they are wrong. Academic misconduct could result in disciplinary action that may include, but is not limited to, suspension or dismissal. To read the full Student Academic Conduct Policy, consult the UMBC Student Handbook, the Faculty Handbook or the UMBC Policies section of the UMBC Directory.
Discovery / Discussion Sections
Schedule -
All Discussion sections meet in UC201 and will be overseen by Dr. Hamilton as well as experienced teaching assistants. Discussion Sections will be used to guide you through the main concepts of the course and to assist you in problem solving. Attendance is mandatory and you must go the section for which you are registered.