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A.    Books:

1.      ESP and Psychokinesis: A Philosophical Examination. Philadelphia: Temple Uni­versity Press, 1979

2.      The Limits of Influence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy of Science. New York & London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986 (2nd ed., 1991).

3.      First-Person Plural: Multiple Personality and the Philosophy of Mind. New York & London: Routledge, 1991.

4.      First-Person Plural: Multiple Personality and the Philosophy of Mind. Revised Edition. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield (1995).

5.      The Limits of Influence: Psychokinesis and the Philosophy of Science. Revised Edition. Lanham, New York, London: University Press of America (1997).

6.      Immortal Remains: The Evidence for Life After Death (in preparation).


B.    Articles:

1.      “Toward a Theory of Recurrence.” Noûs 5 (1971): 191-197.

2.      “Tensed Sentences and Free Repeatability.” Philosophical Review 82 (1973): 188-214.

3.      “Are Verbs Tensed or Tenseless?” Philosophical Studies 25 (1974): 373-390.

4.      “Tenses, Analyticity, and Time's Eternity.” Philosophia 6 (1976): 39-48.

5.      “Tenses and Meaning Change.” Analysis 37 (1976): 41-44.

6.      “On the Meaning of 'Paranormal'.” In Jan K. Ludwig (ed.) Philosophy and Parapsy­chology. New York: Prometheus Press, 1978: 227-44.

7.      “Telepathy.” Noûs 12 (1978): 267-30l.

8.      “Objections to an Information-Theoretic Approach to Synchronicity.” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 73 (1979): 179-193.

9.      “Reply to Dr. Gatlin.” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 73 (1979): 325-330.

10.  “Reply to Drs. Rudolph and Stanford.” Journal of the American Socie­ty for Psychical Research 74 (1980): 258-263.

11.  “The Observational Theories in Parapsychology: A Critique.” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 73 (1979): 349-366.

12.  Selected Poems by Patience Worth (reparsed, with introduction). In New Directions in Prose and Poetry 40 (New York: New Directions Publishing Corp., 1980): 155-66.

13.  Commentary on Hyman's “Pathological Science”. Zetetic Scholar No. 6 (1980): 42-43. Reprinted in R. Hyman, The Elusive Quarry (Buffalo: Prometheus, 1989): 254-56.

14.  “Taxonomy and Theory in Psychokinesis.” In B. Shapin & L. Coly (eds.), Concepts and Theories of Parapsychology. New York: Parapsychology Foundation, 1981: 37-54.

15.  “The Holographic Analysis of Near-Death Experiences: The Perpetuation of Some Deep Mistakes.” Essence: Issues in the Study of Aging, Dying and Death 5 (1981): 53-63.

16.  “Precognitive Attrition and Theoretical Parsimony.” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 76 (1982): 143-155.

17.  “Radical Provincialism in the Life Sciences: A Review of Rupert Sheldrake's A New Science of Life.” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 77 (1983): 63-78.

18.  “You Can Say That Again.” Philosophic Exchange 17 (1986): 59-78.

19.  “Reply to M.H. Coleman.” Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 53 (1986): 244-246.

20.  “Psi and Our Picture of the World.” Inquiry 30 (1987): 277-294.

21.  “When Science is Non-Scientific.” Journal of Near Death Studies 6 (1987): 113-118.

22.  “Death by Observation: A Reply to Millar.” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 82 (1988): 273-280.

23.  “How to Dismiss Evidence Without Really Trying.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1987): 573-574.

24.  “Some Recent Books on Multiple Personality and Dissociation.” Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 82 (1988): 339-352.

25.  “Mediumship and Multiple Personality.” Journal of the Society for Psychical Re­search 55 (1988): 177-195.

26.  “Evaluating the Super-Psi Hypothesis.” In G.K. Zollschan, J.F. Schumaker, and G.F. Walsh (eds), Exploring the Paranormal: Perspectives on Belief and Ex­perience. Dorset: Prism, 1989: 25-38.

27.  “Multiple Personality and the Structure of the Self.” In D. Kolak and R. Martin (eds), Self and Identity: Contemporary Philosophical Issues. New York & Toronto: MacMillan, 1991: 134-144.

28.  “Limping Toward the Millenium.” President's Message, 1991, PA News & Annual Report, March, 1991. Reprinted in Italian, in Quaderna di Parapsicologia 22 (Oct. 1991): 7-12. Reprinted in German, in Zeitschrift für Parapsychologie und Grenzgebiete der Psychologie 33 (1991): 157-165.

29.  “Survival or Super-Psi?” Journal of Scientific Exploration 6 (1992): 127-144. Reprinted in Darshana International 32 (1992): 8-28.

30.  “Reply to Stevenson.” Journal of Scientific Exploration 6 (1992): 151-155.

31.  “Getting Clear About Wholeness.” In K.R. Rao (ed.) Cultivating Consciousness. New York: Praeger, 1993: 25-37.

32.  “Psi and the Nature of Abilities.” Journal of Parapsychology 56 (1992): 205-228. Also in J. Morris (ed.) Research in Parapsychology, 1991. Metuchen, N.J. & London: Scarecrow Press, 1994: 193-220.

33.  “The Fear of Psi Revisited, or It's the Thought that Counts.” ASPR Newsletter 28, No. 1 (1993): 8-11.

34.  “Does Awareness Require a Location?: A Response to Woodhouse” New Ideas in Psychology 12 (1994): 17-21.

35.  “The Language of Improvisation.” International Jazz Archives Journal 1, No. 2 (1994): 4-13.

36.  “Dissociation and Survival: A Reappraisal of the Evidence.” In L. Coly & J.D.S. McMahon (eds.), Parapsychology and Thanatology. New York: Parapsychology Foundation (1995): 208-228.

37.  “ESP Phenomena, Philosophical Implications Of .” In D.M. Borchert (ed.), Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Supplement. New York: Macmillan (1996): 146-147.

38.  Commentary on “The Social Relocation of Personal Identity.” Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 2 (1995): 205-8.

39.  “Two Ways of Taking Charge.” International Jazz Archives Journal 1, No. 3 (1995): 189-193.

40.  “Multiple Personality and Moral Responsibility.” Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 3 (1996): 37-54.

41.  “Postmortem Survival: The State of the Debate.” In M. Stoeber and H. Meynell (eds), Critical Reflections on the Paranormal. Albany: SUNY Press (1996): 177-196.

42.  “Braude’s Reply to Almeder’s ‘Recent Responses to Survival Research’.” Journal of Scientific Exploration 10 (1996): 519-523.

43.  Commentary on “A Discursive Account of Multiple Personality Disorder.” Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 4 (1997): 223-226.

44.  “Some Thoughts on Parapsychology and Religion.” In C. Tart (ed), Body, Mind, Spirit. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads (1997): 118-127.

45.  “Reply to Dr. Cook’s Review.” Journal of Parapsychology 6 (1997): 49-52.

46.  “Peirce on the Paranormal.” Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 34 (1998): 199-220.

47.  “Terminological Reform in Parapsychology: A Giant Step Backwards.” Journal of Scientific Exploration 12 (1998): 141-150.

48.  Commentary on “False Memory Syndrome and the Authority of Personal Memory-Claims.” Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology 5 (1998): 299-304.

49.  “Paranormal Phenomena.” In E. Craig (ed), Encyclopedia of Philosophy. London & New York: Routledge (1998).

50.  “Dissociation and Latent Abilities: The Strange Case of Patience Worth,” Journal of Trauma and Dissociation 1 (2000): 13-48.

51.  “The Problem of Super Psi.” In F. Steinkamp (ed), Parapsychology, Philosophy, and the Mind: A Festschrift in Honor of John Beloff’s 80th Birthday. Jefferson, NC & London: McFarland (forthcoming).

52.  “OBEs and Survival (Or, There’s No Place Like Home).” International Journal of Parapsychology (forthcoming).


C.    Review Essays:

1.      Review of Alan Vaughan, Incredible Coincidence. Parapsychology Review 11, No. 1 (1980): 18-20.

2.      Review of Shapin & Coly (eds.), Brain/Mind and Parapsychology. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 74 (1980): 241-46.

3.      Review of David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 76 (1982): 67-75.

4.      Review of Jule Eisenbud, Paranormal Foreknowledge. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 76 (1982): 288-94.

5.      Review of Denis Brian, The Enchanted Voyager: The Life of J.B. Rhine. Parapsy­chology Review 14, No. 4 (1983): 10-11.

6.      Review of E. Jenkins, The Shadow and the Light. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 77 (1983): 189-192.

7.      Review of L. LeShan & H. Margenau, Einstein's Space & Van Gogh's Sky. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 78 (1984): 81-87.

8.      Review of J.L. Randall, Psychokinesis: A Study of Paranormal Forces Through the Ages. Theta 12 (1984): 57-59.

9.      Review of T.H. Hall, The Enigma of Daniel Home. Journal of the Society for Psy­chical Research 53 (1985): 40-46.

10.  Review of B. Inglis, Science and Parascience. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 80 (1986): 94-98.

11.  Review of J. Oppenheim, The Other World: Spiritualism and Psychical Research in England, 1850-1914. Annals of Science 43 (1986): 312-314.

12.  Review of A. Crabtree, Multiple Man: Explorations in Possession & Multiple Per­sonality. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research 54 (1987): 76-78.

13.  Review of B. Wolman & M. Ullman (eds), Handbook of States of Consciousness. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 82 (1988): 177-182.

14.  Review of D.S. Rogo, The Infinite Boundary. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 84 (1990): 160-168.

15.  Review of S. Pasricha, Claims of Reincarnation: An Empirical Study of Cases in India. Journal of Parapsychology 56 (1992): 380-384.

16.  Review of A. Flew, The Logic of Mortality. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 87 (1993): 114-117.

17.  Review of I. Hacking, Rewriting the Soul. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis 38 (1996): 303-306.

18.  Review of A. Gauld, A History of Hypnotism and A. Crabtree, From Mesmer to Freud. Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research 90 (1996): 329-334.

19.  Review of G. Graham & G.L. Stephens (eds), Philosophical Psychopathology. Philosophical Psychology 10 (1997): 553-555.

20.  Review of J. Mishlove, The PK Man. Journal of Parapsychology (forthcoming).


D.    Misc.:

1.      “A Fresh Look at Physical Mediumship.”  PSI News 4, No. 2 (1981).

2.      Interview: “A Dialogue with Stephen E. Braude, Ph.D.”  Trauma and Recovery Newsletter 5 (2) (1992): 3-6.

3.      “Informal Work with Joe Nuzum.” Network No. 63 (Apr. 1997): 25-26.



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