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CV Basics:


Formal Education:

B.A., Oberlin College, 1967, Philosophy Major, with High Honors

Undergraduate study, University of London (University College), 1965-66, in Philosophy and English

M.A., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1970

Ph.D., University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1971



Teaching Experience:

1967-70  Teaching Fellow, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

1970-71  Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Massachusetts at Amherst

1971-76  Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Maryland Baltimore County

1976-87  Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of Maryland Baltimore County

1987-     Professor of Philosophy, University of Maryland Baltimore County

1998-    Chair, Department of Philosophy, University of Maryland Baltimore County


Fellowships, Grants, Awards:

Faculty Research Grant, University of Maryland Baltimore County:

     Summer, 1973

     Summer, 1974

     Summer, 1977

     Summer, 1978

National Endowment for the Humanities Research Fellowship, 1979-80

Parapsychology Foundation, Research Grant, Summer, 1981

The Universal Voice, Research Grant, 1985

American Society for Psychical Research, Research Grant, 1985

The Universal Voice, Research Grant, 1987

John Björkhem Memorial Fund Grant, 1992

John Björkhem Memorial Fund Grant, 1993

Parapsychology Foundation, Research/Travel Grant, 1996

Parapsychology Foundation, Research/Travel Grant, Jan. 1997

Parapsychology Foundation, Research/Travel Grant, June. 1997

BIAL Foundation Research Grant, 1998-99


Invited Lectures and Conference Presentations (partial list):

1.            New Jersey Regional Philosophical Association, Feb. 9, 1974

2.            Franklin and Marshall College, May 13, 1974

3.            Mt. Holyoke College, Oct. 14, 1976

4.            Franklin and Marshall College, Nov. 11 & 12, 1977

5.            Union College, Nov. 18, 1977

6.            Temple University, Dec. 12, 1977

7.            Washington Philosophy Club, Mar. 11, 1978

8.            Trenton State College, Sept. 26, 1978

9.            University of Denver Symposium, Oct. 27-29, 1978

10.        Union College, March 5 & 6, 1979

11.        Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Aug. 17, 1979

12.        Smith College, Sept. 25, 1979

13.        Mt. Holyoke College, Sept. 26, 1979

14.        University of Denver, Oct. 23, 1979

15.        University of Colorado at Boulder, Oct. 29, 1979

16.        Franklin and Marshall College, Dec. 3, 1979

17.        American Society for Psychical Research, Dec. 6, 1979

18.        Rollins College, Feb. 14, 1980

19.        Cleveland State University, Feb. 27, 1980

20.        Oberlin College, Feb. 28, 1980

21.        Ohio State University, Feb. 29, 1980

22.        University of Edinburgh, Apr. 14 & 16, 1980

23.        University of Edinburgh, Apr. 16, 1980

24.        University of Surrey, Apr. 25, 1980

25.        Parapsychology Foundation, New York City, Dec. 6, 1980

26.        Esalen Institute, Jan. 28, 1981

27.        Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Aug. 19, 1981

28.        Esalen Institute, July 6, 1982

29.        John F. Kennedy University, July 9 & 10, 1982

30.        Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, July 26, 1982

31.        Washington University, St. Louis, Nov. 12, 1982

32.        Prince George's Community College, Apr. 4, 1982

33.        Conference on Advances in Psychic Research, Denver, Nov. 12-13, 1983

34.        University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Nov. 15, 1983

35.        Convention of the American Philosophical Association, Dec. 28, 1983

36.        University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, Nov. 15, 1984

37.        SUNY, Brockport, Feb. 15, 1985

38.        University of Edinburgh, Apr. 16 & 18, 1985

39.        Society for Psychical Research, London, Apr. 25, 1985

40.        Mt. Holyoke College, Sept. 26, 1985

41.        Society for Psychical Research, London, Apr. 17, 1986

42.        University of Edinburgh, Apr. 24 & 25, 1986

43.        Georgia State University, May 9, 1986

44.        Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Aug. 7, 1986

45.        St. Andrews College, Dec. 3-4, 1986

46.        Convention of the American Philosophical Association, Dec. 29, 1986

47.        Mt. Holyoke College, Apr. 15, 1987

48.        Smith College, Apr. 16, 1987

49.        Hampshire College, Apr. 20, 1987

50.        JHU/UMCP/UMBC Colloquium, May 9, 1987

51.        Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, July 6 & 7, 1987

52.        ASPR Seminar on Multiple Personality, New York City, Oct. 10, 1987

53.        F.W.H. Myers Memorial Lecture, Society for Psychical Research, London, Apr. 19, 1988

54.        University of Edinburgh, Apr. 28, 1988

55.        Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, June 27 & 28, 1988

56.        Trenton State College, Mar. 15, 1989

57.        Mind Science Foundation, San Antonio, May 2, 1989

58.        JHU/UMCP/UMBC Colloquium, May 13, 1989

59.        Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, July 17 & 18, 1989

60.        Society for Psychical Research, London, April 17, 1990

61.        University of Edinburgh, April 23 & 24, 1990

62.        Conference on Philosophy, Religion, & Parapsychology, Santa Barbara, CA, Aug. 26, 1990

63.        Trinity University, San Antonio, April 23, 1991

64.        Isthmus Institute 1991 Annual Conference, Dallas, April 26-28, 1991

65.        Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, July 1 & 2 1991

66.        Presidential Address, Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Heidelberg, Germany, August 9, 1991

67.        SUNY, Albany, Oct. 7, 1991

68.        Skidmore College, Oct. 8, 1991

69.        L.E. Rhine Centenary Conference, Durham, NC, Nov. 9, 1991

70.        University of Denver, Nov. 19, 1991

71.        Oberlin College, Apr. 22, 1992

72.        7th Regional Conference on Trauma, Dissociation & Multiple Personality, Akron, Apr. 24 & 25, 1992

73.        Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, July 8 & 9, 1992

74.        Convention of American Psychological Assoc., Washington, D.C., Aug. 16, 1992

75.        Colloquium on Quantum Physics & Consciousness, Towson State University, Oct. 28, 1992

76.        University of Maryland College Park Honors Program, Nov. 10, 1992

77.        Denver University, Nov. 19, 1992

78.        National Capitol Area Skeptics, Jan. 23, 1993

79.        8th Regional Conference on Trauma, Dissociation & Multiple Personality, Akron, Apr. 24 & 25, 1992

80.        5th Anniversary Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Washington, D.C., June 5, 1993

81.        Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, July 6 & 7 1993

82.        Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Toronto, Aug. 18, 1993

83.        40th Annual International Conference of the Parapsychology Foundation, Boston, Nov. 6, 1993

84.        9th Regional Conference on Trauma, Dissociation & Multiple Personality, Akron, Mar. 24 & 26, 1994

85.        6th Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Washington, D.C., June 11, 1994         

86.        Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, July 6 & 7, 1994

87.        Invitational Conference on Consciousness and Survival, Chicago, IL, July 13-14, 1994

88.        2nd Annual Conference on Unity and Multiplicity, Pittsburgh, PA, Sept. 22, 1994

89.        10th Regional Conference on Trauma, Dissociation and Related Disorders, Akron, OH, Apr. 28, 1995

90.        5th Annual Spring Conference of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation, Amsterdam, May 12, 1995

91.        Royal College of Psychiatrists Philosophy Group, Oxford & Warwick, England, May 17, 1995

92.        University of Edinburgh, May 19, 1995

93.        7th Annual Regional Conference on Abuse, Trauma, and Dissociation, Alexandria, VA, June 9, 1995

94.        14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Huntington Beach, CA, June 16, 1995

95.        Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, July 5 & 6, 1995

96.        38th Annual Conference of the Parapsychological Association, Durham, NC, Aug. 5, 1995

97.        12th International Fall Conference of the International Society For the Study of Dissociation, Orlando, FL, Sept. 16, 1995

98.        3rd Interdisciplinary Symposium on Explorations in Unity and Multiplicity, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 28, 1995

99.        Annual Meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology, Nashville, TN, Apr. 4, 1996

100.    9th Annual Western Clinical Conference on Trauma & Dissociation, Orange, CA, Apr. 19 & 20, 1996

101.    15th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Charlottesville, VA, May 25, 1996

102.    Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, July 1 & 2, 1996

103.    4th Annual Conference on Explorations in Unity and Multiplicity, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct. 11 & 12, 1996

104.    Chicago Society of Clinical Hypnosis, Chicago, IL, Oct. 26, 1996

105.    Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Menlo Park, CA, Nov. 7, 1996

106.    Institute of Noetic Sciences, Sausalito, CA, Nov. 11, 1996

107.    American Philosophical Association, Atlanta, GA, Dec. 28, 1996

108.    3rd International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (UK), Chester, Apr. 11, 1997

109.    Westminster College, Oxford, England, Apr. 14, 1997

110.    Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, July 7 & 8, 1997

111.    14th International Fall Conference, International Society for the Study of Dissociation, Montreal, Nov. 11, 1997

112.    48th Annual Scientific Program, Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis, Washington, D.C., Nov. 15, 1997

113.    Society for Psychical Research, London, Mar. 23, 1998

114.    4th International Conference of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (UK), Chester, Apr. 3, 1998

115.    Institute for Parapsychology, Durham, NC, July 15 & 16, 1998

116.    Dowling College, Oakdale, NY, Feb. 22, 1999

117.    Parapsychology Foundation, New York, NY, Mar. 24 1999

118.    Spring Conference of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation and 5th ISSD (UK) Conference, Manchester, May. 9, 1999

119.    Rhine Research Center, Durham, NC, July 20, 21 & 22, 1999

120.    16th International Fall Conference, International Society for the Study of Dissociation, Miami, FL, Nov. 13, 1999

121.    Society for Psychical Research, London, Apr. 13, 2000

122.    Scottish Society for Psychical Research, University of Glasgow, Apr. 20, 2000

123.    Conference on Philosophy, Parapsychology and the Mind, University of Edinburgh, Apr. 21, 2000

124.    Rhine Research Center, Durham, NC, June 27, 28 & 29, 2000

125.    17th International Fall Conference, International Society for the Study of Dissociation, San Antonio, TX, Nov. 14, 2000

126.    Senior Philosophy Colloquium, Davidson College, Davidson, NC, Feb. 22, 2001

127.    Davidson College, Davidson NC, Feb. 22, 2001.


Professional Activities:

Vice President, Parapsychological Association, 1990

President, Parapsychological Association, 1991

Board Member, Parapsychological Association, 1992-96

Advisory Board Member, The Leadership Council for Mental Health, Justice & the Media

Logic Text Referee for McGraw Hill Books

Associate Editor, Journal of Scientific Exploration

Referee for University Press of Kansas

Referee for MIT Press

Referee for Duke University Press

Referee for State University of New York Press

Referee for Noûs

Referee for Philosophical Monographs

Referee for Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

Referee for Philosophy, Psychiatry, & Psychology

Referee for Journal of Mind and Behavior

Referee for Dissociation

Referee for dialogue

Referee for J. Amer. Society for Psychical Research

Referee for J. Parapsychology

Referee for Parapsychology Review

Referee for European Journal of Parapsychology

Referee for Journal of Scientific Exploration

Referee for J. Society for Psychical Research (London)

Referee for J. of Trauma and Dissociation

Referee for International J. of Parapsychology


Non-Professional Activities:

1964-71  Private Instructor in Keyboard and Musical Theory

1963-    Free-lance photographer

1961-    Free-lance musician



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