The Age of Revolutions
Final Examination Study Guide


Possible Identifications (50 Points):

On the exam, four of these terms will appear, you will define and give the significance of TWO of those four. Each ID will be worth 25 points of your total exam score. Be as complete as you can identifying who, what, where, when, why, and how, as well as reflecting on the termÕs significance.


The Foot of Vesuvius

Gens de Couleur

Exterminating War


Toussaint Loverture

1801 Constitution

War of Colors

ÒNot LibertyÓ

Viceroyal Casta

Who Rules Spain?

Mask of Fernando

Father Hidalgo

BolivarÕs War to the Death

The (Un)Desired One

Army of the Three Guarantees

BolivarÕs Llaneros Army

Dictators and Caudillos

Latin American Independence?



Possible Essay Questions (50 Points):

One of the following essay questions will appear on the exam. Be sure to answer as completely as you can and include numerous SPECIFIC EXAMPLES from lectures and readings to support your argument. I will grade you not just on your answer to the question but also on how well your answer is supported by specific evidence from lectures and readings that you use to demonstrate it.


1)    War was one of the most important factors shaping both the Haitian and Latin American revolutions. How did the respective wars for independence influence the direction of these revolutions? Did war operate the same way in the Latin American revolutions as it did in the revolution in Saint-Domingue? If so, explain. Or were there critical differences? If so, what were they?

2)    Which revolution was more revolutionary: the one in Saint-Domingue (Haiti) or the ones in Latin American (taken collectively)? (Be sure to define your criteria for ÒrevolutionaryÓ and be sure to include numerous specific examples from EACH revolution.

3)    Both the Haitian and Latin American revolutions ended with military leaders who fought for independence becoming dictators of new countries in which ordinary citizens enjoyed few civil rights and little economic or political power. Why did this happen? Did it have to happen this way? Simon Bolivar suggested that it did. Was he right? USE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES FROM LECTURES AND READINGS TO MAKE YOUR CASE.


Again, with each essay it is CRITICAL that you use NUMEROUS SPECIFIC EXAMPLES from lectures and readings to make your case.