FTP help
- At the unix prompt, "cd" to the directory you wish to work with.
If "getting" a file from a remote location, this is the directory where it will put that file.
- Type: "ftp" followed by the address of the server you wish to visit (e.g. gl.umbc.edu)
- Log in
- Using the "cd" and "ls" commands find the file you wish to get type: get [the file name].
It is helpful to remember that to go to anywhere but into subdirectories you need to include at least
a "/" in front of the pathname. "../" will take you up one level. "pwd" will show you where you are.
If you already know it's name and location, type: get [the full path and filename]
- If the file didn't come to rest in the directory you want it in, simply move (mv)
the file to the directory where you want it
- The command "put" works the same way but in reverse, allowing you to take files from the directory
you were in when you launched ftp and put them in a directory your are visiting.
- You can't retreive to or put to a directory to which you don't have "write" privaleges.
- In FTP, "cd ~" takes you home. This is true in most shells including UNIX.
- In FTP, you can change your local directory (the directory you were working out of when
you typed "ftp") by typing "lcd" at the prompt.
- In FTP, the command "!" referred to as "bang" will talk to the
local shell. So if you want to perform a "pwd" in your local shell, type "!pwd"