Plants and species of native grasslands
From the series Researching Maryland: "This episode of Researching Maryland features a farm in Chestertown, MD that is using environmentally sound farming practices to help reduce impacts associated with intensive agricultural practices. The owner of the farm has dedicated over 200 acres to a research project led by Professor Douglas Gill, who is restoring native grasslands at the farm. Another researcher, Bernard Lohr, is studying one of the endangered species that was attracted to the restored lands."
Outdoors Maryland, Episode 1705: A sparrow's return
From the episode A Sparrow's Return: "The largest land set-aside deal in Maryland's history has created a living laboratory in Kent County on Maryland's eastern shore. 5200-acre Chino Farms is now home to a number of natural resource experiments that include restoring an ancient prairie and the Sparrows that once lived there. Dr. Doug Gill has a Massachusetts M.D. to thank for his success at Chino Farms, Henry Sears, who continued to buy up the Chester River waterfront property with the sole goal of preserving it forever for the people of Maryland."