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Women's Studies vs. Gender Studies

Date: Tue, 25 Oct 2005 16:39:52 -0400
From: Joan Korenman <jskor AT UMBC.EDU>
Subject: Bibliography re naming of women's/gender/feminist studies
We've had a number of discussions on WMST-L about the pros and cons of
various names for our programs/departments.  Should they be Women's
Studies, Gender Studies, Feminist Studies, Women's and Gender Studies,
or ???  Sheila Hughes, Director of Women's Studies at the University
of Dayton, has sent me the following bibliography on this topic that
she and a colleague have recently compiled. If you have any
questions/comments, please send them to Sheila, not to me.  Her email
address is below.  Sheila has also asked me to preface the
bibliography with the following note.  The bibliography follows the
note.  Joan Korenman (jskor AT

I am sharing this bibliography in response to recent requests for
materials on naming Women's/Gender/Feminist Studies programs and
departments.  We are in the midst of reviewing this material and
discussing the issues ourselves, and I thought this resource list,
compiled by our wonderful Women's Studies librarians, might be of use
to others.


Sheila Hassell Hughes
Director of Women's Studies
Associate Professor of English
University of Dayton
300 College Park
Dayton, OH 45469-0322  AT


Compiled for the University of Dayton Women's Studies Program
by Kathleen Webb and Beth McMahon, Roesch Library
May 2005

	Auslander, Leora.  "Do Women's + Feminist + Men's + Lesbian and
Gay + Queer Studies = Gender Studies?" Differences: A Journal of
Feminist Cultural Studies.  9.3 (2001):1-29.

	Braidotti, Rosi and Judith Butler. "Feminism by Any Other Name."
Differences: A Journal of Feminist Culture Studies.  6.2 (1994):

	Bridger, Haley S.  "College Adds Gender Studies to Women's Studies
Program." 2004. Bowdoin University.  24 May 2005.

	Branch, Mark Alden. "Beyond Women's Studies." Yale Alumni
Magazine.  1998. Yale University.  24 May 2005.

	Clendennen, Andy.  "Women's Studies in Arts & Sciences Takes New
Name." Record. 2002.  Washington University in St. Louis.  24 May

	Curry, Blanche Radford et al.  "On the Social Construction of a
Women's and Gender Studies Major." Gender and Academe: Feminist
Pedagogy and Politics.  Ed. Sara Munson Deats and Lagretta Tallent
Lenker.  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield 3-18. (esp. pages 5-8)

	Den Ouden, Pamela.  "Keeping the Focus: Naming Women's Studies."
StaffPages.  2000.  Northern Lights College. 24 May 2005.

	Devitt, Rebecca and Melinda Mawson.  "What's in a Name? 25 Years
of Women's Studies at the ANU." 2001. School of Humanities, Faculty of
Arts, Australian National University.  Australian National University.
24 May 2005.

	"Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies: About the Program."
Cornell University Webpage.  2005.  Cornell University.  24 May 2005.

	Friedman, Susan Stanford.  "What Should Every Women's Studies
Major Know?  Reflections of the Capstone Seminar." Women's Studies on
its Own. Ed. Robyn Wiegman.  Durham and London: Duke UP, 2002.
433-435. (see p.434)

	"The Issues (in brief)." Bryn Mawr College Feminist & Gender
Studies Homepage.  2005.  Bryn Mawr College.  24 May 2005.

	Kitch, Sally L.  "Ph.D. Programs and the Research Mission of
Women's Studies: The Case for Interdisciplinary." Feminist Studies.
29.2 (2003): 435-444.

	"Program in Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies." University of
Richmond Webpage.  2005.  24 May 2005.

	Orr, Catherine M. and Diane Lichtenstein.  "The Politics of
Feminist Locations: A Materialist Analysis of Women's Studies." NWSA
Journal.  16.3 (2004): 1-17. (critiques Wiegman's Women's Studies on
its Own)

	Pilcher, Jane and Imelda Whelehan.  Fifty Key Concepts in Gender
Studies.  London: Sage Publications: ix-xv, 176-179.

	Scott, Joan W.  "Gender: A Useful Category of Historical
Analysis." American Historical Review 91.5 (1986):  1053-1075.

	Stromquist, Nelly P.  "Gender Studies: A global perspective of
their evolution contribution, and challenges to comparative higher
education." Higher Education. 41(2001): 373-387.

	Whipp, Sonja. "Women's Studies Contemplates Name Change to Gender
Studies." The Round Table.  2005.  Beloit University.  24 May 2005.

	Wiegman, Robyn.  "The Progress of Gender: Whither 'Women'?"
Women's Studies on its Own. Ed. Robyn Wiegman.  Durham and London:
Duke UP, 2002.  107-139. (esp. p. 127 and on)

	"Women or Gender Studies." Indiana University Gender Studies
Homepage.  2005.  Indiana University.  24 May 2005.

	"Women's Studies is Changing Its Name." Women's and Gender Studies
Program: University of Vermont. 2005.  University of Vermont. 24 May

	Yee, Shirley J.  "The "Women" in Women's Studies." Differences: A
Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies.  9.3 (1997): 47-64.  (all
contents of this issue might be of interest)

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