Michelle Flinchbaugh

ALA ALCTS Transforming Collections Microgrant Recipient: American Libraries Article on the ALCTS Microgrants


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Michelle Flinchbaugh

Acquisitions Librarian, UMBC. Librarian I, 1999-2001; Librarian II, 2001- 2011; Librarian III, 2011-

  • Manage Acquisitions functions. Develop policies and procedures. Supervise staff. Implement new software. Communicate with customers about policies.
  • Manage UMBC’s Electronic Thesis and Dissertations. Supervise staff. Communicate with Graduate School and Proquest. Develop and manage crosswalk for moving Proquest metadata into ContentDM. Develop procedures and troubleshoot issues related to loading diverse digital objects into ContentDM. Pending cataloger input, developing mechanism and procedures for crosswalking Proquest metadata into Marc records.
  • Collegially implement consortium-wide and library-wide technology changes via participation in a wide array of consortium, campus, and library committees:
    • Member, Web Development Group, 2006-present. Participated in the development of two new library web sites and numerous smaller updates.
    • Chair, Library Institutional Repository Working Group, 2009-present. Instigating Institutional Repositories for possible implementation at UMBC.
    • Co-Chair, Campus Faculty Institutional Repository Commitee, 2012-present. Develop recommendations in regard to an institutional repository.
    • Member, Local Integrated Management Systems Committee, 2001-present. Works on issues related UMBC’s Aleph system.
    • Co-Chair, USMAI Acquisitions/Serials Task Group, 2006-2010; Member 2010-present. Works on issues related to consortial Aleph Acquisitions/Serials module.
    • Co-Chair, Library Communication and Documentation Working Group, 2007-2009, implemented library Confluence intranet Wiki at https://spaces.umbc.edu/display/library/Home.
    • Member, 3SRQ SAG (Aleph Serials Acquisition Implementation Group Testing Sub-group), 2003-2004. Small group that tested and implemented Aleph Acquisitions Serials module for the USMAI.

Serials Cataloger, The University of Michigan (Harlan Hatcher Graduate Library North, Room 320, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1205), March 1997-Nov. 1998.

  • Cataloged serials (CONSER) on OCLC in accordance with AACR2, LCRI, CONSER, and local guidelines. Assigned subject headings in accordance with LCSH. Classified in accordance with LCCS. Established series and name authority records on NOTIS.

Cataloger/Site Coordinator, The Virginia Newspaper Project, The College of William & Mary (Earl Gregg Swem Library, P.O. Box 8794, Williamsburg, Virginia 23187), August 1995-March 1997 (funding for site ceased).

  • Cataloged newspapers and union listed on OCLC in accordance with AACR2, LCRI, CONSER and USNP guidelines, assigned subject headings in accordance with LCSH; classified. Added holdings statements and edited locally as necessary on the Sirsi Unicorn system. Supervised one full time support staff, three students, and two volunteers.

Cataloger, Foreign Newspaper Cataloging Project, The Center for Research Libraries (6050 South Kenwood Avenue, Chicago, Illinois 60647), October 1994-August 1995 (funding ceased).

  • Cataloged (Full-level CONSER) print and microform newspapers in a variety of foreign languages in accordance with AACR2, LCRI, CONSER and USNP guidelines. Established name authorities (NACO) on OCLC as required.