Cosette Delisle was born and raised in the suburbs of Baltimore with a preference for cartoons and a sheepish personality. As she aged she also developed a passion for feminism and feminist art, though this is not a consistent theme in her work. In the future she hopes to create an animated cartoon that will spread happiness as well as ideas of equality and acceptance, though she admits that this dream is aiming a bit high.. Cosette is a generally positive person who tries to be as optimistic as possible and attempts to spread that optimism to as many as she can. Her favorite show is Steven Universe due to its positive message, fun color palette, and diverse cast with a wide variety of interesting female characters.She also enjoys fashion and makeup, often creating fun outfits by playing with different combinations of clothing when she isn't busy, though not all of her ideas work out well.

She attends UMBC with a major in animation and enjoys working with colors and the ideas of individuality within unity.