“Polarization-insensitive all-optical dual pump phase transmultiplexing from 2 × 10-GBd OOKs to 10-GBd RZ-QPSK using cross-phase modulation in a birefringent nonlinear PCF, T. Mahmood, B. M. Cannon, W. Astar, and G. M. Carter, Optics Express Vol. 22, pp. 31774- 31785 (2014).
“Efficient continuous-wave four-wave mixing in bandgap-engineered AlGaAs waveguides”, Jeremiah J Wathen, Paveen Apiratikul, Christopher JK Richardson, Gyorgy A Porkolab, Gary M Carter, Thomas E Murphy, Optics letters Vol. 39, pp. 3161-3164 (2014).
“Polarization-Insensitive Phase-Transmultiplexing and Multicasting of CSRZ-OOK and 4 X RZ-BPSK to 4 X RZ-QPSK via XPM in a Birefringent PCF”, B. M. Cannon, T. Mahmood, W. Astar, P. Boudra, III, T. Mohsenin, Gary M. Carter, IEEE Photonics Journal Vol. 6, pp. 1-11, April 2014.
“Polarization-Insensitive Wavelength Conversion by FWM of 100-GHz-Spaced DWDM 4 X 10 Gb/s RZ-BPSK Signals in a Birefringent Nonlinear AlGaAs Waveguide”, Tanvir Mahmood, W. Astar, Brice M. Cannon, Paveen Apiratikul, Gyorgy A. Porkolab, Christopher J. K. Richardson, and Gary M. Carter, IEEE Journal Of Quantum Electronics Vol. 50, pp. 74 - 84 (2014).
”, B. M. Cannon, T. Mahmood, W. Astar, P. Apiratikul, G. Porkolab, P. Boudra, T. Mohsenin, C. J. K. Richardson, and G. M. Carter, Optics Express Vol. 21, pp. 19885-19899 (2013).
“Data Transfer From RZ-OOK to RZ-BPSK by Polarization-Insensitive XPM in a Passive Birefringent Nonlinear AlGaAs Waveguide”, Brice M. Cannon, W. Astar, Tanvir Mahmood, Paveen Apiratikul, George A. Porkolab, Christopher J. K. Richardson, and Gary M. Carter, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol. 31 pp. 952-966 (2013).
“Polarization Insensitive Wavelength Conversion by FWM of Multiformat DWDM Signals Using Birefringent PCF”, John P. Mack, Timothy U. Horton, William Astar, Kenneth J. Ritter, and Gary M. Carter, IEEE Journal of Selected Topics In Quantum Electronics Vol. 18, pp. 909-915 (2012).
“Conversion of RZ-OOK to RZ-BPSK by XPM in a Passive AlGaAs Waveguide”, W. Astar, Paveen Apiratikul, Brice M. Cannon, Tanvir Mahmood, J. J. Wathen, John V. Hryniewicz,
Subramaniam Kanakaraju, Christopher J. K. Richardson, T. E. Murphy, and Gary M. Carter, Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 23, pp. 1397-1399 (2011).
“Spurious mode reduction in dual injection-locked optoelectronic oscillators”, O. Okusaga, E. J. Adles, E. C. Levy, W. Zhou, G. M. Carter, C. R. Menyuk, and M. Horowitz, Optics Express Vol. 19, pp. 5839-5854 (2011).
“All-Optical Wavelength Conversion of 10 Gb/s RZ-OOK Data in a Silicon Nanowire via Cross-Phase Modulation: Experiment and Theoretical Investigation”, Jeffrey B. Driscoll, W. Astar, Xiaoping Liu, Jerry I. Dadap, William M. J. Green, Yurii A. Vlasov, Gary M. Carter, and Richard M. Osgood, Jr., IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics In Quantum Electronics Vol. 16, pp. 1448-1459 (2010).
“Comprehensive computational model of single- and dual-loop optoelectronic oscillators with experimental verification”, Etgar C. Levy, Olukayode Okusaga, Moshe Horowitz, Curtis R. Menyuk, Weimin Zhou, and Gary M. Carter, Optics Express Vol. 18, pp. 21461-21476 (2010).
“10-Gb/s Wavelength and Pulse Format Conversion Using Four-Wave Mixing in a GaAs Waveguide”, Paveen Apiratikul, W. Astar, Gary M. Carter, and Thomas E. Murphy, Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 22, pp. 872-874 (2010).
“Wavelength Conversion of 10 Gb/s RZ-OOK Using Filtered XPM in a Passive GaAs/AlGaAs Waveguide”, W. Astar, P. Apiratikul, T. E. Murphy, and G. M. Carter, Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 22, pp. 637-639 (2010)
“All-Optical Format Conversion of NRZ-OOK to RZ-OOK in a Silicon Nanowire Utilizing Either XPM or FWM and Resulting in a Receiver Sensitivity Gain of ∼2.5 dB”, W. Astar, Jeffrey B. Driscoll, Xiaoping Liu, Jerry I. Dadap, William M. J. Green, Yurii A. Vlasov, Gary M. Carter, and Richard M. Osgood, Jr., IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics In Quantum Electronics Vol. 16, pp. 234-249 (2010).
“Receiver Model for Depolarized Signal Due to Polarization-Mode Dispersion and Partially Polarized Noise Due to Polarization-Dependent Loss in an Optical Fiber Communication System,” Hua Jiao, John Zweck, Li Yan, Member, Curtis R. Menyuk, and Gary M. Carter, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol. 27, pp. 4124-4135 (2009).
“Conversion of 10 Gb/s NRZ-OOK to RZ-OOK utilizing XPM in a Si nanowire,” W. Astar, Jeffrey B. Driscoll, Xiaoping Liu, Jerry I. Dadap, William M. J. Green, Yurii A. Vlasov, Gary M. Carter, and Richard M. Osgood, Jr., Optics Express Vol. 17, pp. 12987-12999 (2009).
“Theoretical investigation of polarization insensitive data format conversion of RZ-OOK to RZ-BPSK in a nonlinear birefringent fiber,” C. C. Wei, W. Astar, J. Chen, Y.-J. Chen, and G. M. Carter, Optics Express Vol. 17, pp. 4306-4316 (2009).
“Mitigation of XPM Penalty in 10-Gb/s OOK/DBPSK Mixed Modulation Format 50-GHz-Spaced WDM Transmission by Conversion of OOK to BPSK Using an SOA,” W. Astar and G. M. Carter, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 20, pp. 1715-1717 (2008).
“Polarization-insensitive, 40 Gb/s wavelength and RZ-OOK-to-RZ-BPSK modulation format conversion by XPM in a highly nonlinear PCF”, W. Astar, C.-C. Wei, Y.-J. Chen, J. Chen, and G. M. Carter, Optics Express Vol. 16, pp. 12039-12049 (2008).
“Techniques for Polarization-Independent Cross-Phase Modulation in Nonlinear Birefringent Fibers”, Reza Salem, Anthony S. Lenihan, Gary M. Carter, and Thomas E. Murphy, IEEE Journal Of Selected Topics In Quantum Electronics Vol. 14, pp. 540-550 (2008).
“160 Gbit/s demultiplexing utilising polarisation-independent four-wave mixing in birefringent nonlinear fibre”, A.S. Lenihan and G.M. Carter, Electronics Letters Vol. 44, pp. 545-546 (2008).
“10 Gbit/s RZ-OOK to RZ-BPSK format conversion using SOA and
synchronous pulse carver”, W. Astar and G.M. Carter, Electronics Letters Vol. 44, pp. 369-370
“Theoretical analysis of polarisation-insensitive wavelength conversion by four-wave
mixing in photonic crystal fibre”, W. Astar, A.S. Lenihan and G.M.
Carter, Electronics Letters Vol. 43, pp. 1419-1421 (2007).
Wavelength Conversion by FWM in a Highly Nonlinear PCF of
Polarization-Scrambled 10-Gb/s RZ-OOK and RZ-DPSK Signals”, W. Astar, A. S. Lenihan, and G. M.
Carter, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 19, pp. 1676-1678 (2007).
“Characterizing pattern
dependence in transmitters and receivers for modeling optical communication
systems”, P. Griggio, J. Hu,
J. Wen, G.E. Tudury, J. Zweck, B.S. Marks, L. Yan, G.M. Carter, C.R. Menyuk, Optics Communications Vol. 272, pp. 107-110 (2007).
“An experimental
demonstration of a soft-failure approach to PMD mitigation in an installed
optical link”, Anthony S. Lenihan, William A. Babson,
Hua Jiao, Jerry Sobieski,
and Gary M. Carter, Optics Express Vol. 15, pp. 24-32 (2007).
“10 Gbit/s
RZ-OOK to BPSK format conversion by cross-phase modulation in single
semiconductor optical amplifier,” W. Astar and G.M.
Carter, Electronics Letters Vol. 42, pp. 1472-1474 (2006).
Polarization-Independent Optical Demultiplexing in
2-m Nonlinear Fiber”, Reza Salem, A. S. Lenihan, G. M. Carter, and T. E. Murphy, IEEE
Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 18, pp. 2245-2247 (2006).
“Two-Photon Absorption for
Optical Clock Recovery in OTDM Networks”, Reza Salem, Amir Ali Ahmadi, Gaston E. Tudury, Gary M.
Carter, and Thomas E. Murphy, IEEE Journal of Lightwave
Technology Vol. 24, pp. 3353-3362 (2006).
“All-optical 80-Gb/s
time-division demultiplexing using polarization-insensitive cross-phase
modulation in photonic crystal fiber”, A. S. Lenihan,
R. Salem, T. E. Murphy, and G. M. Carter, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters
Vol. 18, pp.1329-1331 (2006).
“Gain characteristics of a
210 km hybrid Raman/erbium-doped fiber amplified loop”, Gaston E. Tudury, Jonathan Hu, Brian S.
Marks, Anthony S. Lenihan, Curtis R. Menyuk, Gary M. Carter, Optics Communications Vol. 261,
pp.152–157 (2006).
“Statistical Properties of
the DGD in a Long-Haul Optical Fiber System With Temporally Drifting
Birefringence”, Hai Xu,
Brian S. Marks, John Zweck, Li Yan, Curtis R. Menyuk, and Gary M. Carter, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol. 24, pp. 1165-1175 (2006).
“Transmission of 80 Gbit/s over 840km in standard fibre
without polarisation control”, G.E. Tudury, R. Salem, G.M. Carter and T.E. Murphy, IEE
Electronics Letters Vol. 41, pp. 1394- 1395 (2005).
“Performance of DBPSK in a 5
x 10 Gb/s Mixed Modulation Format Raman / EDFA WDM
System,” W. Astar, A.S. Lenihan,
and G.M. Carter, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 17, pp. 2766-2768
Optical Clock Recovery at 80 Gb/s Using a Silicon
Photodiode,” Reza Salem, G. E. Tudury, T. U. Horton,
G. M. Carter, and T. E. Murphy, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 17, pp.
1968-1970 (2005).
“Nonlinear Timing Jitter in
an Installed Fiber Network With Balanced Dispersion Compensation”, A. S. Lenihan, O. V. Sinkin, B. S.
Marks, G. E. Tudury, R. J. Runser,
A. Goldman, C. R. Menyuk, and G. M. Carter, IEEE
Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 17, pp. 1558-1560 (2005).
“Quantitative Study of the
Performance Statistics of a WDM System With Different Channel Spacings,” Jiping Wen, P. Griggio, Li Yan, and Gary
M. Carter, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 17, pp. 1352-1354 (2005).
“A Receiver Model for Optical
Fiber Communication Systems With Arbitrarily Polarized Noise,” Ivan T. Lima,
Jr., Aurenice O. Lima, Yu Sun, Hua
Jiao, John Zweck, Curtis R. Menyuk,
and Gary M. Carter, IEEE Journal of Lightwave
Technology Vol. 23, pp. 1478-1490 (2005).
“Measurement of Distributions
of Differential Group Delay in a Recirculating Loop
With and Without Loop-Synchronous Scrambling”, Hai Xu, Hua Jiao, Li Yan, and Gary M.
Carter, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 16, pp. 1691-1693 (2004).
“Quantitative Experimental
Study of Intrachannel Nonlinear Timing Jitter in a
10-Gb/s Terrestrial WDM Return-To-Zero System”, Hai Xu, John Zweck, Li Yan, Curtis R.
Menyuk, and Gary M. Carter, IEEE Photonics Technology
Letters Vol. 16, pp. 314-316 (2004).
“System Performance
Variations Due to Partially Polarized Noise in a Receiver”, Yu Sun, I.T. Lima,
Jr., A.O. Lima, H. Jiao, J. Zweck, L. Yan, G.M.
Carter, and C.R. Menyuk, IEEE Photonics Technology
Letters Vol. 15, pp. 1648-1650 (2003).
“Statistics of the System
Performance in a Scrambled Recirculating Loop with
“Polarization-state evolution
in recirculating loops with polarization-dependent
loss”, Brian S. Marks, Yu Sun, Curtis R. Menyuk, and
Gary M. Carter, Optics Letters Vol. 27, pp. 1881-1883(2002).
“Experimental and Theoretical
Characterization of a 40-Gb/s Long-Haul Single-Channel Transmission System”,
Ronald Holzlöhner ; Heider
N. Ereifej ; Vladimir S. Grigoryan
; Gary M. Carter ; Curtis R. Menyuk, IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology Vol. 20, pp. 1124-1131 (2002).
“All-Optical timing jitter
measurements on 40Gbit/s pseudorandom RZ data after long-haul transmission in a
dispersion-managed soliton system”, J. Dörring, G. E. Tudury, A. Lenihan,
G. M. Carter, and Y. J. Chen, Electronics Letters Vol. 38, pp. 727-729 (2002).
“40 Gbit/s
Long-Haul Transmission in a Dispersion-Managed Soliton
System Using Raman Amplification”, Heider N. Ereifej, Vladimir Grigoryan, and
Gary M. Carter, Electronics Letters Vol. 37, pp. 1538-1539 (2001).
“Inter-Symbol Interference
and Timing Jitter Measurements in a 40 Gb/s Long-
Haul Dispersion-Managed Soliton System”, Heider N. Ereifej, Ronald Holzlöhner, Gary M. Carter, Curtis R. Menyuk,
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 14, pp. 343-345 (2002).
“Study of system performance
in a 107 km dispersion managed recirculating loop due
to polarization effects”, Yu Sun, Ivan T. Lima Jr., Hua
Jiao, Jiping Wen, Hai Xu, Heider
Ereifej, Gary M. Carter, and Curtis R. Menyuk, IEEE, Photonics Technology Letters Vol. 13, pp.
966-968 (2001).
“Long-distance transmission
of filtered dispersion-managed solitons at 40 Gbit/s bit rate,” V. S. Grigoryan,
P. Sinha, C. R. Menyuk, and
G. M. Carter, in Massive WDM and TDM Soliton
Transmission Systems, Akira Hasegawa Ediotor, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht / Boston / London
(2000), pp. 225-234.
“Tolerance of
Dispersion-Managed Soliton Transmission to the Shape
of the Input Pulses”, V. S. Grigoryan, G. M. Carter,
and C. R. Menyuk, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,
“Comparison of Theory and
Experiment for Dispersion-Managed Solitons in a Recirculating Fiber
“All-Optical Regeneration at the Receiver of
10-Gb/s RZ Data Transmitted Over 30 000 km Using an Electroabsorption
Modulator”, Pak S. Cho, Pranay Sinha,
Daniel Mahgerefteh, and Gary M. Carter, IEEE Photonics
Technology Letters, vol. 12, pp. 205-207 (2000).
“Experimental Demonstration of Long-Distance
Dispersion-Managed Soliton Propagation at Zero
Average Dispersion, ” V.S. Grigoryan, R.-M. Mu, G.M.
Carter, and C.R. Menyuk, Photonics Technology Letters
vol. 12, pp. 45-46 (2000).
"Wavelength-Stabilized Source of Nearly
Transform Limited Optical Pulses for 10 Gb/s RZ
Transmission", Daniel Mahgerefteh, Hsiao-Yun Yu, Pranay Sinha, and Gary M. Carter, Electronics Letters vol. 35, pp.
493-494 (1999).
"Improving the performance of
all-optical wavelength converters using fiber gratings", Daniel Mahgerefteh, Pak S. Cho, Hsiao-Yun
Yu, Gary M. Carter, Julius Goldhar, Journal of Fiber
and Integrated Optics vol. 18, pp. 155-166 (1999).
"Transmission of Dispersion-Managed Solitons at 20 Gbit/s Over 20,000
km", Gary M. Carter, Ruo-Mei Mu, Vladimir Grigoryan, Curtis R. Menyuk, Pranay Sinha, Thomas F. Carruthers, Michael L. Dennis, and Irl
N. Duling
"Transmission of 10 Gbit/s
wavelength converted RZ data over 20000 km in a dispersion-managed
system", Pak S. Cho, Gary M. Carter, and Daniel Mahgerefteh,
Electronics Letters vol. 34, pp. 2265-2267(1998).
"Dynamics of Solitons
in Filtered Dispersion-Managed Systems", Gary M. Carter and John M. Jacob,
Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 10, 546-548 (1998).
"10 Gbit/sec
Transmission of NRZ over 10,000 km and Solitons over
13,500 km Error-Free in the Same Dispersion-Managed System", John M.
Jacob, Ekaterina A. Golovchenko, Alexei N. Pilipetskii, Gary M. Carter, and Curtis R Menyuk, Photonics Technology Letters vol. 9, pp 1412-1414
"Error-Free Transmission of
Dispersion-Managed Solitons at 10Gbit/s over 24,500
km without Frequency Sliding", J.M. Jacob and G.M. Carter, Electronics
Letters vol. 33, pp. 1128-1129 (1997).
"Phase Modulated Pulsed Laser for WDM Soliton Communication Systems", J. M. Jacob, E.A. Golovchenko, and G. M. Carter, Electronics Letters vol. 33,
pp. 515-516 (1997).
"Experimental Evidence For Timing Jitter
Reduction For A Dispersion-Managed Soliton
System", G.M. Carter, J.M. Jacob, C.R. Menyuk,
E.A. Golovchenko, and A.N. Pillipetskii,
Optics Letters vol. 22, pp. 513-1515 (1997).
"Dispersion-Managed Solitons
in a Fiber Loop with In-Line Filtering", E.A. Golovchenko,
J.M. Jacob, A.N. Pillipetskii, C.R. Menyuk, and G.M. Carter, Optics Letters vol. 22, pp.
289-291 (1997).
"Experimental Demonstration of Soliton Transmission Over 28 Mm Using Mostly Normal
Dispersion Fiber," J. M. Jacob, E.A. Golovchenko,
A.N. Pilipetskii, G. M. Carter and C. R. Menyuk, Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 9, pp. 130-132