
Quicktime documentation:
heat sensor
Školská 28 bend sensor

Interactive Video and ElectroAcoustic Sound

Performance Venues:
25 February: FAMU - Beroun
26 February: Školská 28 - Prague

Gathering audio, video and photographs and connecting them, we simulate the process of memory from a concrete place.




Školská 28

Isadora tutorial


Beroun setup

Klára, Pavel & Ales

Isadora debugging

bent Instrument

heat interface

Pavel & theremin

Isadora setup

bent interface

motion interface

Školská 28 discussion

Faculty Participants:

Lisa Moren - Interactive Video
Fulbright Scholar

Timothy Nohe
- Circuit Bending & Electro-Acoustic Sound
Visiting Faculty

David Miller - Photography
Visiting Faculty

FAMU Participants:

Klára Dolezálková, Ales Cermák, Pavel Sterec
circuit bent performance

Jan Latal, Vladimir Turner, Hunter Merrich and Daniel Kupsovsky interactive video

Ceský dokument: PDF