Roy T. Meyers

Professor Emeritus of Political Science
UMBC (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
While I have retired from teaching, I am still researching, writing,
and presenting on federal and Maryland budget topics.
To access
selected publications, presentations, and commentary, click here.
I can be contacted at
I taught political science and public policy courses at UMBC from
fall 1990 through fall 2022. From 1981-1990, I was an analyst
at the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). I took graduate
courses in political science at the University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor from 1976-1980, and finished my Michigan PhD in 1988 while at
CBO. My dissertation won the 1989 L.D. White Dissertation
Award from the American Political Science Association. I
graduated in 1976 with a degree in government from Colby College,
which is located in Waterville, Maine. I was born and raised
in New Jersey.
Courses taught at UMBC included graduate and undergraduate courses
on government budgeting, a graduate course on the political and
social context of the policy process, and undergraduate courses on
Congress, political activism and leadership, community research, the
politics of environmental policy, senior research seminars on
environmental and public health policies, and introductory courses
on American politics and on public administration. I have
chaired and still serve on Public Policy dissertation
committees. I was the founding director of UMBC's Sondheim Public Affairs
Scholars Program, an exciting program that I led from
1999-2010, and for which I taught the introductory seminar. I
served as the Truman Foundation's faculty representative for UMBC,
and assisted members of the Governor's
Summer Internship Program prepare policy papers for the
Governor and his staff for many years through 2015.
While I am interested in a broad range of policy and political
topics, my research has focused on government budgeting in the
United States. The Handbook
of Government Budgeting was published by Jossey-Bass in
1999; a Chinese language version was published in 2005 by the
Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. My book Strategic
Budgeting (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,
1994) co-won the Louis Brownlow Book Award from the National Academy
of Public Administration in 1996. I have written journal
articles, book chapters, and reports on normative budgeting models
and on a variety of features of the Congressional budget process,
federal government budgeting, state government budgeting, and local
economic development policies.
I received the 2018 Aaron
Wildavsky Award from the Association for Budgeting and
Financial Management, and I am a Fellow of the National Academy of Public
Administration. I served on the editorial board of the
Administration Review and am a member of the editorial
board of Public
Budgeting and Finance. I have presented papers
abroad in China, Mexico, and Italy. Consulting and lecturing
activities have included Congressional Quarterly/Capitol.Net
seminars, the American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Harvard University's and then Duke University's Program on
Budgeting in the Public Sector, the World Bank, and the USDA
Graduate School. I served on the Baltimore County Council
Spending Affordability Committee, and chaired the UMBC faculty's
Academic Planning and Budgeting Committee.
My full CV is available upon request.