P.O. Box 462

Reisterstown, MD 21136

(410) 526-6561




            The information provided here will be considered scientific data and will be treated as such. It will be incorporated into a database, used for analysis, and kept in strict confidence. Names, addresses, and phone numbers given in this document and subsequent report will not be released to other researchers, news media representatives, or any other individuals unrelated to this case without the consent of the concerned parties. Please PRINT all answers; a blank page has been provided for any sketches, maps, or additional information you may wish to supply.

NAME:                                                                                                             AGE:                          


CITY:                                                                           STATE:                                                          

ZIP CODE:                                                       PHONE:                                                                               

Indicate any additional information about yourself, including any special technical training, or wildlife management experience, that may be pertinent:




The following pages contain questions, which directly relate to the sighting of an unidentified animal. Please take your time in answering, and be as accurate as possible, for the information you supply here may aid toward an eventual understanding of this mystery.


1) Date and time of sighting:                                                                                                                 

2) Exact location of sighting (indicate nearest cities/towns, Highways/Routes, compass readings,

GPS coordinates, specific bodies of water, and any pertinent landmarks):                                             



3) What were you doing when you sighted the animal?                                                                             

4) How did it attract your attention?                                                                                                                 


5) Was more than (1) one animal sighted?                                                                                            

If so, how many?                                                                                                                                    

6) Description of animal(s) - (please give as much detail as possible):





BODY SHAPE:                                                                                                                                    


GIRTH and/or DIAMETER:                                                                                                                

ANY VISIBLE APPENDAGES (fins, arms, horns, quills, feet, paws, tentacles)?                                 


MEANS OF PROPULSION (How did it appear to move itself?)                                                        


7) What direction was the animal coming from?                                                                                    

8) In what direction was it heading?                                                                                                      

9) What were the weather conditions at the time of the sighting?                                                            


10) How long (i.e. seconds, minutes, hours) was the animal in sight?                                                     


11) Was there any unusual lack or abundance of other wildlife (animals, insects, etc.) in the area preceding, during, or after the time of the sighting?                                                      


12) When in motion, what was the approximate speed of the animal?                            


13) When stationary, what did the animal appear to be doing?                                                              


14) Other than yourself, did anyone else see the animal?                                                                       

If so, how many others?                                     If possible, please indicate their names, relationships,

and ages:                                                                                                                                             



15) If your sighting was made from a vessel, please indicate what type:                         


16) Did you report your sighting to any other officials?                                                                          


17) Did any of the unknown animal's physical features or actions remind you of any known animal(s) you

have seen?                                                If so, what were those features or actions and

what known animal(s) were you reminded of?                                                                                       



18) Did the animal appear to be aware of you or react to your presence?                                              


If so, how?                                                                                                                                          


19) Was there any unusual odor noticed before, during, or after the sighting?                                         


If so, please describe it:                                                                                                                        


20) Did the animal make any sounds?                 If so, please describe:                                                


21) Did you photograph the animal?                               If so, what kind of camera did you use?           


Camera Settings (aperture, shutter speed, lenses):                                                                                 


22) How did your sighting end (how did you lose sight of the animal)?                                                      


23) Relative to the sighting of this animal, did anything else unusual occur?                                               

If so, please explain:                                                                                                                                         



24) Are you aware of any physical evidence (e.g. tracks, fur, droppings, blood, etc) discovered in

the immediate area of the sighting?                                                                                                        

If so, please explain:                                                                                                                             

Were samples taken or photographed?                                                                                                

 If so, please explain:                                                                                                                              

25) Today's date is:                                                                                                                                    

Thank you for the time you have taken to complete this questionnaire. Should you witness this phenomenon in the future, or learn of someone else who has, please contact us as soon as possible. Again, thank you for your time and trust.

Mike Frizzell, Research Director



P.O. Box 462

Reisterstown, MD 21136

(410) 526-6561




© 2001 Michael A. Frizzell